Debate about the advantages and risks of Cloud Computing is heating up in industrial and academic circles. Proponents and skeptics appear to have forceful arguments to support their positions. This situation leaves an increasing number of practitioners and business executives forced to look for reliable sources of information that can help them to separate realty and hype. Is Cloud Computing a new technological fade? This is one of the most frequently asked questions during any discussion about Cloud Computing’s promises and risks. Actually, this question was the main motivation for organizing the “Cloud Computing Demystified Day, which would be held on Friday August 27 at IT University of Copenhagen. The main objectives of this day have been skillfully described by David Jacobsen Turner from our communication department in the following note. I am really looking forward to this event and encourage the business executives and IT practitioners to attend this event which is poised to have a fruitful and productive discussion about the promises and perils of Cloud Computing among International experts and local practitioners and researchers.
‘The future of IT lies in the clouds
Can one safely send her precious data out into cyberspace? This question and many more will be answered when the IT University invites companies to a one-day seminar on the possibilities of cloud computing. The seminar “Cloud Computing Demystified” gives small and large businesses the opportunity to meet international experts in cloud computing, and discuss concerns and possibilities associated with the new technology.
In essence, cloud computing means that fewest possible data are stored locally with the user, while software and services are distributed through the Internet. In other words, the data and programs are situated on servers and not on local hard drives.
Cloud computing has many advantages – among other things it can mean big savings. By “outsourcing” it’s IT and utilize the services of the “clouds”, small businesses can avoid the cost of servers, an IT department etc. This option is highly relevant in Denmark, where the tendency is smaller, more specialized companies.
Yet many companies and public institutions are reluctant to use the new technology. For which risks may occur when sending sensitive information outside the company? And does one really wish to be so dependent on external providers and services? And what about copyright and privacy? These are some of the questions that participants may get the answers to.
The IT University has a great deal of expertise on the potentials of cloud computing, and we collaborate with the Ministry of Science to promote cloud computing to universities and public institutions. This is an extension of High Speed Committee’s recommendation that public sector should invest heavily in cloud computing.
“Cloud computing Demystified” takes place at the IT University on August 27th, and there are still seats available. Registration and more information at’