- Ali Babar, M., Brown, A.W., Mistrik, I., Agile Software Architecture: Aligning Agile Processes with Software Architecture, Morgen Kaufmann Publishers, December 2013.
- Ali Babar, M., Dingsoyr, T., Lago, P., Vliet, H. (Ed.), Architecture Knowledge Management: Theory and Practice, Springer, 2009.
Book chapters
- Chauhan, M. A., Ali Babar, M. Using a Reference Architecture for Designing and Evaluating Web of Things Systems, accepted in Sheng, M., Qin, Y., Yao, L., Benatallah, B., (Ed.), Managing the Web of Things: Linking the Real World to the Web, Morgen Kaufmann Publisher, 2017.
- Ali Babar, M., Making Software Architecture and Agile Approaches Work Together, in Ali Babar, M., Brown, A.W., Mistrik, I., (Ed.), Agile Software Architecture: Aligning Agile Processes with Software Architecture, Morgen Kaufmann Publishers, December 2013.
- Ali Babar., M., A Web-based System for Managing Software Architectural Knowledge, Web-based Support Systems, Yao, J. (Ed.), Springer, pp. 305 – 332, 2010.
- Ali Babar, M., Supporting the Software Architecture Process with Knowledge Management, in Ali Babar, M., Dingsoyr, T., Lago, P., van Vliet, H. (Ed.), Software Architecture Knowledge Management: Theory and Practice, Springer, pp. 69 – 83, 2009.
- Ahmed, F., Capretz, L., Ali Babar, M., Software Product Line Engineering: The Future Research Directions, in Software Engineering and Development, Belini, E., Editor, NOVA Publishers, pp. 69 – 92, 2009.
- Ali Babar, M., Gorton, I., and Kitchenham, B., A Framework for Supporting Architecture Knowledge and Rationale Management, in Rationale Management in Software Engineering, A.H. Dutoit, et al., Editors., Springer, pp. 237-254, 2006.
- Ullah, F., Dhingra, S., Ali Babar, M., Evaluation of Distributed Data Processing Frameworks in Hybrid Clouds, Journal of Networking and Computer Applications, 2024.
- Chauhan, M. A., Ali Babar, M., Shen, H., KRIOTA: A framework for Knowledge-management of dynamic Reference Information and Optimal Task Assignment in hybrid edge-cloud environments to support situation-aware robot-assisted operations, the Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, June 2024.
- Arani, A. K., Le., T. H. M., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Systematic Literature Review on Application of Learning-based Approaches in Continuous Integration, the IEEE Access, June 2024.
- Bui, H. T., Aboutorab, H., Mahboubi, A., Gao, Y., Sultan, N. H., Chauhan, A., Parvez, ; Dr M. Z. Bewong, M., Islam, R., Islam, Z., Camtepe, S., Gauravaram, P., Singh, D., Ali Babar, M., Yan, S., Agriculture 4.0 and Beyond: Evaluating Cyber Threat Intelligence Sources and Techniques in Smart Farming Ecosystems, Computer and Security, 2024
- Guo, M., Goel, D., Wang, G., Guo, R., Sakurai, Y., Ali Babar, M., Mechanism Design for Public Projects via Three Machine Learning Based Approaches, the Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2024.
- Chen, H., Ali Babar, M., Security for Machine Learning-based Software Systems: A Survey of Threats, Practices and Challenges, the ACM Computing Survey, Dec. 2023
- Islam, C., Ali Babar, M., Nepal, S., Design and Generation of a Set of Declarative APIs for Security Orchestration, the IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, Nov. 2023.
- Sarker, O., jayatilka, A., Haggag, S., Liu, C., Ali Babar, M., A Multi-vocal Literature Review on Challenges and Critical Success Factors of Phishing Education, Training and Awareness, Journal of Systems & Software, Nov 2023.
- Sworna, Z. T., Mousavi, Z., Ali Babar, M., NLP Methods in Host-based Intrusion Detection Systems: A Systematic Review and Future Directions, the
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Oct 2023. - Xia, X., Fattah, S. M.M., Ali Babar, M., A Survey on UAV-enabled Edge Computing: Resource Management Perspective, the ACM Computing Surveys, Sept 2023.
- Iwaya, L., Ali Babar, M., Rashid, A., Privacy Engineering in the Wild: Understanding the Practitioners’ Mindset, Organisatinoal Aspects, and Current Practices, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2023.
- Zhang, L., Zhou, R., Liu, Q., Xu, J., Liu, C., Ali Babar, M., Enhancing Bitcoin Transaction Confirmation Prediction: A Hybrid Model Combining Neural Networks and XGBoost, The World Wide Web Journal, October 2023.
- Mansouri, Y., Ullah, F., Dhingra, S., Ali Babar, M., Design and Implementation of Fragmented Clouds for Evaluation of Distributed Databases, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2023.
- Islam, C., Prokhorenko, V., Ali Babar, M., Runtime Software Patching: Taxonomy, Survey and Future Directions, Journal of Systems and Software, 2023.
- Mansouri, Y., Prokhorenko, V., Ullah, F., Ali Babar, M., Resource Utilization of Distributed Databases in Edge-Cloud Environment, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
- Hussain, A., Dharmadasa, I., Ullah, F., Ali Babar, M., A Review on C3I System’s Security: Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures, ACM Computing Survey, 55(5): 192:1-192:38, 2023.
- Phu, A., T., Li, B., Ullah, F., Huque , T., U., Naha, R., Ali Babar, M., Nguyen, H., Defending SDN against packet injection attacks using deep learning, Journal of Networking and Computer Applications, 2023.
- Iwaya, L. H., Ali Babar, M., Rashid, A., Wijayarathna, C., On the Privacy of Mental Health Apps: An Empirical Investigation and Its Implications for Apps Development, Empirical Software Engineering Journal, 28(1): 2, 2023.
- Beu, N; Jayatilaka, A., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Hartley, L., Lewinsmith, W., Baetu, I., Falling for phishing attempts: An Investigation of Individual Differences Associated with Behaviour in Naturalistic Phishing Simulation, Computer and Security, 2023.
- Aljedaani, B., Ahmed, A., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., An Empirical Study on Secure Usage of Mobile Health Apps: The Attack Simulation Approach, Information and Software Technology (IST), June 2023.
- Sabir, B., Ali Babar, M., Gaire, R., Abuadbba, A., Reliability and Robustness Analysis of Machine Learning based Phishing URL Detectors, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, October 2022.
- Khoi, N., Ali Babar, M., Walters, A., A Framework for Automating Deployment and Evaluation of Blockchain Networks, Journal of Networking and Computer Applications, 206: 103460 (2022).
- Zhou, X., Li, S., Cao, L., Zhang, H., Jia, Z., Zhong, C., Ali Babar, M., Revisiting the practices and pains of microservice architecture in reality: An industrial inquiry, the Journal of Systems and Software, 195 (2023) 111521.
- Croft, R., Xie, Y., Ali Babar, M., Data Preparation for Software Vulnerability Prediction: A Systematic Literature Review, Transactions on Software Engineering, 49(3), 2023.
- Le, T. H. M., Chen, H., Ali Babar, M., A Survey on Data-driven Software Vulnerability Assessment and Prioritization, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 55(5) 2023.
- Aljedaani, B., Ahmed, A., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., End-Users’ Knowledge and Perception about Security of Mobile Health Apps: A Case Study with Two Saudi Arabian mHealth Providers, Journal of Systems and Software, 195: 111519, 2023.
- Shen, H., Asiry, O., Ali Babar, M., Bednarz, T., Evaluating the efficacy of using a novel gaze-based attentive user interface to extend ADHD children’s attention span, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 169: 102927, 2023.
- Ullah, F., Ali Babar, M., Aleti, A., Design and Evaluation of Adaptive System for Big Data Cyber Security Analytics, Expert Systems with Applications, 207: 117948, 2022.
- Islam, C., Ali Babar, M., Croft, R., Janicke, H., SmartValidator: A Framework for Automatic Identification and Classification of Cyber Threat Data, Journal of Network and Computing Application, 2022.
- Sworna, Z. T., Islam, C., Ali Babar, M., APIRO: A Framework for Automated Security Tools API Recommendation, Transactions on Software Engineering Methods (TOSEM), 2022.
- Duboc, L., Bahsoon, R., Alrebeish, F., Mera-Gomez, C., Nallur, V., Kazman, R., Bianco, P., Ali Babar, M., Buyya, R., Systematic Scalability Modeling of QoS-Aware Dynamic Service Composition, accepted in the ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2022.
- Ullah, F., Ali Babar, M., On the Scalability of Big Data Cyber Security Analytics Systems, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022.
- Dissanayake, N., Jayatilaka, A., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Software Security Patch Management – A Systematic Literature Review of Challenges, Approaches, Tools and Practices, the Journal Information Technology and Software, 2021.
- Croft, R., Xie, Y., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Treude, C., An Empirical Study of Developers Discussions about Security Challenges of Different Programming Languages, Empirical Software Engineering Journal, 2021.
- Rajapakse, R. N., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Shen, H., Challenges and solutions when adopting DevSecOps: A systematic review, Journal of Information and Software Technology, 2021.
- Shahin, M., Nasab, A. R., Ali Babar, M., A Qualitative Study of Architectural Design Issues in DevOps, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2021.
- Tian, F., Liang, P., Ali Babar, M., Relationships between Software Architecture and Source Code in Practice: An Exploratory Survey and Interview, Journal of Information and Software Technology, 2021.
- Aljedaani, B., Ali Babar, M., Challenges in Developing Secure Mobile Health Applications: Systematic Review, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2021.
- Tian, F., Wang, T., Liang, P., Wang, C., Khan, A. A., Ali Babar, M., The Impact of Traceability on Software Maintenance and Evolution: A Mapping Study, Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2021.
- Mansouri, Y., Ali Babar, M., A review of edge computing: Features and resource virtualization, Journal of Parallel Distributed Computing, 2020.
- Sabir, B., Ullah, F., Ali Babar, M., Gaire, R., Machine Learning for Detecting Data Exfiltration: A Review, ACM Computing Surveys, 2020.
- Nguyen, T.K., Ali Babar, M., Boan, J., Integrating Blockchain and Internet of Things Systems: A Systematic Review on Objectives and Designs, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020.
- Iwaya, L., Ali Babar, M., Ahmed, A., Security and Privacy for mHealth and uHealth Systems: a Systematic Mapping Study, IEEE Access, 2020.
- Mohsin, A., Janjua, N. K., Islam, S. M. S., SAM-SoS: A Stochastic Software Architecture Modeling and Verification Approach for Complex System-of-Systems, IEEE Access, 2020.
- EL-Hachem, J. E., Chiprianov, V., Ali Babar, M., AL-Khalil, T., Aniorte, P., Modeling, Analyzing and Predicting Security Cascading Attacks in Smart Buildings Systems-of-Systems, Journal of Software and Systems, 166, 2020.
- Prokhorenko, V., Ali Babar, M., Architectural Resilience in Cloud, Fog and Edge Systems: A Survey, IEEE Access, 2020.
- Shahin, M., Ali Babar, M., Chauhan, A., Architectural Design Space for Modelling and Simulation as a Service: A Review, Journal of Software and Systems, 2020.
- Mansouri, Y., Prokhorenko, V., Ali Babar, M., An Automated Implementation of Hybrid Cloud for Performance Evaluation of Distributed Databases,
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020. - Le, T. H. M., Chen, H., Ali Babar, M., Deep Learning for Source Code Modeling and Generation: Models, Applications and Challenges, ACM Computing Surveys, 2020.
- Islam, C., Ali Babar, M., Nepal, S., A Multi-Vocal Review of Security Orchestration, ACM Computing Survey, 52 (2): 37:1-37-45, 2019.
- Ullah, F., Ali Babar, M., Architectural Tactics for Big Data Cybersecurity Analytics Systems: A Review, Journal of Systems and Software, 151: 81-1118, 2019.
- Ali Babar, M., Shen, H., Biffl, S., Winkler, D., An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of Software Architecture Evaluation Meetings, IEEE Access, 7:79069-79084, 2019.
- Iqbal, A., Gunn, L., Guo, M., Ali Babar, M., Abbott, D., Game theoretical modelling of network/cyber security, IEEE Access, 2019.
- Nguyen, T. K., Sheng, Q. Z., Ali Babar, M., Yao, L., Zhang, W. E., Dustdar, S., Search Engines for Internet of Things: Concepts, Classification, Open Issues, Communication ACM, 62(7): 66-73, 2019.
- Tziakouris, G., Bahsoon, R., Ali Babar, M., A Survey on Self-Adaptive Security for Large Scale Open Environments, ACM Computing Surveys, 51(5): 1-42, 2019.
- Shahin, M., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Zhu, L., An Empirical Study of Architecting for Continuous Delivery and Deployment, Empirical Software Engineering Journal, 24(3): 1061-1108, 2019.
- Ullah, F., Edwards, M., Ramdhany, R., Chitchyan, R., Ali Babar, M., Rashid, A., Data Exfiltration: A Review of External Attack Vectors and Countermeasures, Journal of Networking and Computer Applications, Vol. 101, 18-54, 2018.
- Ayala, C., Nguyen-Duc, A., Franch, X., Höst, M., Conradi, R., Cruzes, D., Ali Babar, M., System Requirements-OSS Components Matching and Mismatch Resolution Practices in Industrial Projects that Integrate OSS Components – An Empirical Study, Empirical Software Engineering Journal, 23(6): 3073-3128, 2018.
- Zhang. W., Yang, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, C., Li, X., Xu, R., Wang, F., Ali Babar, M., Decision Support for Project Rescheduling to Reduce Software Development Delays based on Ant Colony Optimization, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol. 11, pp. 894–910, 2018.
- Tran, N. K., Sheng, Q. Z., Ali Babar, M., Yao, L., Searching the Web of Things: State of the Art, Challenges and Solutions, ACM Computing Surveys, 50 (4): 1-55, 2017.
- Shahin, M., Ali Babar, M., Zhu, L., Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment: A Systematic Review on Approaches, Tools, Challenges and Practices, IEEE Access, 5: pp. 3909-3943, 2017.
- Anvari, F., Richards, D., Hitchens, M., Ali Babar, M., Tran, H. M. T., Busch, P., An Empirical Investigation of the Influence of Persona with Personality Traits on Conceptual Design, Journal of System and Software, 134: 324-339, 2017.
- Chauhan, M. A., Ali Babar, M., Sheng, Q. Z., A Reference Architecture for Provisioning of Tools as a Service: Meta-Model, Ontologies and Design Elements, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 69, 41-65, 2017.
- Chauhan, M. A., Ali Babar, M., Benatallah, B., Architecting Cloud-Enabled Systems: A Systematic Survey of Challenges and Solutions, Software: Practice and Experience, 47(4): 599-644, 2017.
- Gao, C., Jin, K., Shen, H., Ali Babar, M., Are you a Human or a Humanoid: Predictive User Modelling through Behavioural Analysis of Online Gameplay Data, the Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2017.
- Ahmed, A., Ali Babar, M., Software Architectures for Robotics Systems: A Systematic Mapping Study, Journal of Systems and Software, 122, pp. 16-39, 2016.
- Hoda, R., Ali Babar, M., Shastri, Y. Yaqoob, H., Socio-Cultural Challenges in Global Software Engineering Education, IEEE Transactions on Education, 2016.
- Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Why Does Site Visit Matter in Global Software Development: A Knowledge-Based Perspective, Information and Software Technology, 80, 36-56, 2016.
- Zahedi, M., Shahin, M., Ali Babar, M., A Systematic Review of Knowledge Sharing Challenges and Practices in Global Software Development, International Journal of Information Management, 36(6): pp. 995-1019, 2016.
- Capilla, R., Jansen, A., Tang, A., Avgeriou, P., Ali Babar, M., 10 Years of Software Architecture Knowledge Management: Practice and Future, accepted in Journal of Software and Systems, September, 2015.
- Li, Z., Ranjan, R., O’Brien, L., Zhang., H., Ali Babar, M., Zomaya, A., Wang, L., On the Communication Variability Analysis of the NeCTAR Research Cloud, IEEE Systems Journal, 13(9): pp. 1-11, 2015.
- Mougouei, D., Shen, H., Ali Babar, M., Partial Selection of Agile Software Requirements, International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 9(1): pp. 113-126, 2015.
- Shahin, M., Liang, P., Ali Babar, M., A Systematic Review of Software Architecture Visualization Techniques, Journal of Systems and Software, 94: pp.161-185, 2014.
- Peng, X., Ali Babar, M., Ebert, C., Collaborative Software Development Platforms for Crowdsourcing, IEEE Software, 31(2): 30-36, 2014.
- Verner, M. J., Ali Babar, M., Cepra, N., Beecham, S., Hall, T., Factors that Motivate Software Engineering Teams: A Four Country Empirical Study, accepted in Journal of Systems and Software, 92: pp. 115-127, 2014.
- Stol, K., Avgeriou, P., Ali Babar, M., Fitzgerald, B., A Framework for Assessing Organizations’ Fit with Inner Source, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methods (TOSEM), 23(2): 18, 2014.
- Chen, L., Ali Babar, M., Nuseibeh, B., Characterizing Architecturally Significant Requirements, IEEE Software, 30(2), pp. 38-45, 2013.
- Zhang, H., Ali Babar, M., Systematic Reviews in Software Engineering: An Empirical Investigation, Information & Software Technology, 55(7): pp. 1341-1354, 2013.
- Zhang, P., Han, Y., Ali Babar, M., A Dataflow Optimization Mechanism for Service-Oriented Cloud Workflow, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Comoputational Science and Engineering, November, 2012.
- Ali Babar, M., A Framework for Groupware-Supported Software Architecture Evaluation Process in Global Software Development, Journal of Software Evolution and Process, 24(2), pp. 207-229, 2012.
- Stol, K., Ali Babar, M., Avgeriou, P., Fitzgerald, B., A Comparative Study of Challenges in Integrating Open Source Software and Inner Source Software, Information and Software Technology, 53(12), pp. 1319-1336, 2011.
- Lago, P., Muccini, H., Ali Babar, M., An Empirical Study of Learning
by Osmosis in Global Software Engineering, accepted in Journal of Software
Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, July, 2011. - Chen, L., Ali Babar, M., A Systematic Review of Evaluation of Variability Management Approaches in Software Product Lines, Information and Software Technology, 53(4), pp. 344-362, 2011.
- Zhang, H., Ali Babar, M., Tell, P., A Systematic Approach to Searching Relevant Studies in Software Engineering, Information and Software Technology, 53(6), pp. 625-637, 2011.
- Ali, S.M., Ali Babar, M., Chen, L., Stol, K., A Systematic Review of Comparative Evidence of Aspect-Oriented Programming, Information and Software Technology, 52(9): 871-887, 2010.
- Rosik, J., Le Gear, A., Buckley, J., Ali Babar, M., Connolly, D., Assessing Architectural Drift in Commercial Software Development: A Case Study, Software: Practice and Experience, 41 (1), pp. 63-86, 2011.
- Niazi, M., Ali Babar, M., Verner, J., Software Process Improvement Barriers: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, Information and Software Technology, 52(11), pp. 1204-1216, 2010.
- Ali Babar, M., Chen, L., Shull, F., Managing Variability in Software Product Lines, IEEE Software, 27(3), pp. 89-91, 94, 2010.
- Abrahamsson, P., Ali Babar, M., Kruchten, P., Agile and Architecture: Can They Coexist?, IEEE Software, (27)2: pp. 16-22, 2010.
- Falessi, D., Ali Babar, M., Cantone, G., Kruchten, P., Empirically Assessing Software Architecture Research: Challenges and Lesson Learned, Empirical Software Engineering Journal, 15(3): pp. 250-276, 2010.
- Tang, A., Avgeriou, P., Jensen A., Capilla, R., Ali Babar, M., A Comparative Study of Architecture Knowledge Management Tools, Journal of Systems and Software, (83)3: pp. 352-370, 2010.
- Ali Babar, M., Gorton, I., Software Architecture Reviews: The State of the Practice, IEEE Computer, 42(7): pp. 26-32, 2009.
- Niazi, M., Ali Babar, M., Identifying High Perceived Value Practices of CMMI Level 2: An Empirical Study, Information and Software Technology, 51(8): pp.1231–1243, 2009.
- Thiel, S., Ali Babar, M., Botterweck, G., O’Brien, L., Software Product Lines in Automotive Systems Engineering, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars- Electronic and Electrical Systems, 1(1): pp. 531-543, 2009.
- Ali Babar, M., Kitchenham, B., Jeffery, R., Comparing Distributed and Face-to-Face meetings for Software Architecture Evaluation: A Controlled Experiment, Empirical Software Engineering Journal, 13(1): pp. 39-62, 2008.
- Kitchenham, B., Al-Khilidar, H., Ali Babar, M., Berry, M., Cox, K., Keung, J., Kurniawati, F., Staples, M., Zhang, H., Zhu, L., A Theoretical Evaluation of Guidelines for Reporting Software Engineering Experiments, Empirical Software Engineering Journal, 13(1): pp. 97-121, 2008.
- Niazi, M., Ali Babar, M., Katugampola, N M., De-motivators of Software Process Improvement: An Empirical Investigation, Software Process Improvement and Practice, 13(3): pp. 249-264, 2008.
- Ali Babar, M., Nguyen, P.T., Verner, J.M., Establishing and Maintaining Trust in Off-Shore Software Outsourcing Relationships: Practitioners’ Views, Journal of Systems and Software, 80(9), pp. 1438-1449, 2007.
- Tang, A., Ali Babar, M., Gorton, I., and Han, J., An Empirical Study of the Use and Documentation of Architecture Design Rationale, Journal of Systems and Software, 79(12), pp. 1792-1804, 2006.
- Ali Babar, M., Kitchenham, B., Zhu, L., Gorton, I., Jeffery, R., An Empirical Study of Groupware Support for Distributed Software Architecture Evaluation Process, Journal of Systems and Software, 79(7): pp. 912-925, 2006.
- Le., T. H. M., Ali Babar, Mitigating Data Imbalance for Software Vulnerability Assessment: Does Data Augmentation Help?, accepted in the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) 2024, Barcelona, Spain.
- Le., T. H. M., Ali Babar, M., Automatic Data Labeling for Software Vulnerability Prediction Models: How Far Are We? accepted in the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) 2024, Barcelona, Spain.
- Nguyen, A. T., Le, T. H. M., Ali Babar, M., Automated Code-centric Software Vulnerability Assessment: How Far Are We? An Empirical Study in C/C++, accepted in the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) 2024, Barcelona, Spain.
- Pallewatta, S., Ali Babar, M., Towards Secure Management of Edge-Cloud IoT Microservices using Policy as Code, the 18th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) 2024, Luxembourg.
- Xie, Y., Zhang, H., Ali Babar, M., LogSD: Detecting Anomalies from System Logs through Self-supervised Learning and Frequency-based Masking, The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2024, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil.
- Tran, N. K., Pallewatta, S., Ali Babar, M., An Empirically Grounded Reference Architecture for Software Supply Chain Metadata Management, the International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), 2024, Salerno, Italy.
- Le, T. H. M., Du, X., Ali Babar, M., Are Latent Vulnerabilities Hidden Gems for Software Vulnerability Prediction? An Empirical Study, The 21st International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2024 (MSR 2024) Lisbon, Portal.
- Hyun, S., Gao, M., Ali Babar, M., METAL: Metamorphic Testing Framework for Analyzing Large-Language Model Qualities, the 17th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) 2024, Toronto, Canada.
- Mousavi, Z., Islam, C., Moore, K., Abuadbba, S., Ali Babar, M., An Investigation into Misuse of Java Security APIs by Large Language Models, The ACM ASIACCS, 2024.
- Jayatilaka, A., Arachchilage, N. A. G., Ali Babar, M., Why People Still Fall for Phishing Emails: An Empirical Investigation into How Users Make Email Response Decisions, The Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy (USEC), Co-located with the Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium 2024, Dan Diego, CA, USA.
- Halder, S., Bewong, M., Mahboubi, A., Jiang, Y., Islam, R., Islam, Z., Ip, R., Leung, H., Ahmed, E., Ramachandran, G., Ali Babar, M., Malicious Package Detection using Metadata Information, the Web Conference, 2024, Singapore.
- Zhang, Y., Meredith, R., Reaves, W., Coriolano, J., Ali Babar, M., Rahman, A., Does Generative AI Generate Smells Related to Container Orchestration?: An Exploratory Study with Kubernetes Manifests, MSR (Vision & Reflection Track) 2024.
- Croft, R., Ali Babar, M., Kholoosi, M., Data Quality for Software Vulnerabilities Datasets, the 45th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2023), 17-19 May 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
- Prokhorenko, V., Islam, C., Ali Babar, M., Analyzing the Evolution of Inter-package Dependencies in Operating Systems: A Case Study of Ubuntu, the 17th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), Istanbul, Turkey, 2023.
- Tran, N. K., Ali Babar, M., Thorpe, J., Leslie, S., Walters, A., Experience Report on the Design and Implementation of an Ad-hoc Blockchain Platform for Tactical Edge Applications, the 17th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) – Industry track, Istanbul, Turkey, 2023.
- Zhang, B., Yang, H., Zhou, T., Ali Babar, M., Liu, X., Enhancing Financial Sentiment Analysis via Retrieval Augmented Large Language Models, the 4th ACM International Conference on AI in Finance (ICAIF), New York, USA, 2023.
- Sarker, O., Shen, H., Ali Babar, M., Reinforcement Learning Based Neighbour Selection for VANET with Adaptive Trust Management, the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023)
- Kholoosi, M., Ali Babar, M., Yilmaz, C., Empirical Analysis of Software Vulnerabilities Causing Timing Side Channels, the IEEE Conference on Communication and Network Security (CNS), Orlando, USA, 2023.
- Ullah, F., Ali Babar, M., Guidance Models for Designing Big Data Cyber Security Analytics Systems, the 17th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), Istanbul, Turkey, 2023.
- Sworna, Z. T., Ali Babar, M., Sreekumar, A., IRP2API: Automated Mapping of Cyber Security Incident Response Plan to Security Tool’s APIs, the 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2023).
- Dawoud, A., Mahala, G., Islam, C., Mayer, W., Ghose, A., Ali Babar, M., Stumptner, M., Grossmann, G., A Goal-Driven Approach to Support Decision-Making with Incomplete Information in Cyber Operations, accepted in CAISE Forum, 2023.
- Sworna, Z. T., Sreekumar, A., Islam, C., Ali Babar, M., Security Tools’ API Recommendation using Machine Learning, the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023).
- Haque, U. M., Ali Babar, M., A Study on Early and Non-Intrusive Security Assessment for Container Images, (Short Paper), the 18th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2023).
- Dissanayake, D., Jayatilaka, A., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., An Empirical Study of Automation in Software Security Patch Management, the 37th IEEE/ACM Int’l Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2022, Michigan, USA.
- Jiang, L., Khoi, N., Ali Babar, M., Mod2Dash: A Framework for Model-Driven Dashboards Generation, accepted in the 14th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, 2022, Sophia Antipolis, France
- Xie, Y., Zhang, H., Ali Babar, M., LogGD: Detecting Anomalies from System Logs with Graph Neural Networks, the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, 2022, GuangZhuou, China.
- Tran, N. K., Sabir, B., Ali Babar, M., Cui, N., Abolhasan, M., Lipman, J., ProML: A Decentralised Architecture for Provenance Management of Machine Learning Software Systems, the European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), Prague, Czech Republic, 2022.
- Croft, R., Ali Babar, M., Chen, H., Noisy Label Learning for Security Defects, the 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) 2022, Pittsburgh, USA.
- Hin D., Kan, A., Chen, H., Ali Babar, M., LineVD: Statement-level Vulnerability Detection using Graph Neural Networks, the 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) 2022, Pittsburgh, USA.
- Le, T. H. M., Ali Babar, M., On the Use of Fine-grained Vulnerable Code Statements for Software Vulnerability Assessment Models, the 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) 2022, Pittsburgh, USA.
- Dissanayake, D., Zahedi, M., Jayatilaka, A., Ali Babar, M., Why, How and Where of Delays in Software Security Patch Management: An Empirical Investigation in the Healthcare Sector, the 25th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2022 (Virtual).
- Croft, R., Ali Babar, M., Li, L., An Investigation into Inconsistency of Software Vulnerability Severity across Data Sources, the 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2022).
- Haque, M. U., Ali Babar, M., Well Begun is Half Done: An Empirical Study of Exploitability & Impact of Base-Image Vulnerabilities, the 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2022).
- Haque, M. U., Kholoosi, M., Ali Babar, M., KGSecConfig: A Knowledge Graph Based Approach for Secured Container Orchestrator Configuration, the 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2022).
- Jayatilaka, A., Arachchilage, N. A. G., Ali Babar, M., Falling for Phishing: An Empirical Investigation into People’s Email Response Behaviors, the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2021, Austin, USA.
- Le, T. H. M., Hin, D., Croft, R., Ali Babar, M., DeepCVA: Automated Commit-level Vulnerability Assessment with Deep Multi-task Learning, accepted in The 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2021.
- Croft, R., Newlands, D., Chen, Z., and Ali Babar, M., An Empirical Study of Rule-Based and Learning-Based Approaches for Static Application Security Testing, accepted in the 15th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) 2021.
- Duan, X., Ge, M., Le., T.H.M., Ullah, F., Gao, S., Lu, X., Ali Babar, M., Automated Security Assessment for the Internet of Things, the Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, 2021, Perth, Australia.
- Rajapakse, R., Zahedi, M., and Ali Babar, M., An Empirical Analysis of Practitioners’ Perspectives on Security Tool Integration into DevOps, the 15th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM) 2021.
- Dissanayake, N., Zahedi, M., Jayatilaka, A., Ali Babar, M., A Grounded Theory of the Role of Coordination in Software Security Patch Management, the ESEC/FSE 2021.
- Le, M. T., Hin, D., Croft, R., Ali Babar, M., A Large-scale Study of Security Vulnerability Support on Developer Q&A Websites, the 25th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, 2021, Trondheim, Norway.
- Sabir, B., Ali Babar, M., Gaire, R., ReinforceBug: A Framework to Generate Adversarial Textual Examples, the NAACL-HLT 2021.
- Wang, G., Guo, R., Sakurai, Y., Ali Babar, M., Guo, M., Mechanism Design for Public Projects via Neural Networks, the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), London UK, 2021.
- Khoi, N., Ali Babar, M., Taxonomy of Edge Blockchain Network Designs, the 15th European Conference on Software Architecture, 2021.
- Chauhan, M. A., Ali Babar, M., Designing a Security Platform for Collaborating Autonomous Systems – An Experience Report, IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture, Stuttgart, Germany, 2021
- Ul-Haq, M., Iwaya, L., Ali Babar, M., Challenges in Docker Development: A Large-scale Study Using Stack Overflow, the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), Bari, Italy, 2020.
- Aljedaani, B., Ahmed, A., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Security Awareness of End-Users of Mobile Health Applications: An Empirical Study, the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and Services (MobiQuitous) 2020.
- Islam, C., Ali Babar, M., Nepal, S., Architecture-Centric Support for Integrating Security Tool in a Security Orchestration Platform, the European Conference on Software Architecture, L’Aquila, Italy, 2020.
- Le, M. T., Hin, D., Croft, R., Ali Babar, M., PUMiner: Mining Security Posts from Developer Question and Answer Websites with PU Learning, the 17th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2020.
- Zahedi, M., Rajapakse, R. N., and Ali Babar, M., Mining Questions Asked about Continuous Software Engineering: A Case Study of Stack Overflow, the 24th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, 2020, Trondheim, Norway.
- Aljedaani, B., Ahmed, A., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., An Empirical Study on Developing Secure Mobile Health Apps: The Developers’ Perspective, the Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 2020.
- Shahin, M., Ali Babar, M., On the Role of Software Architecture in DevOps Transformation: An Industrial Case Study, the International Conference on Software and Systems Process, 2020.
- Tran, N. K. and Ali Babar, M., Anatomy, concept, and design space of blockchain networks, the International Conference of Software Architecture, 2020, Salvador-BA, Brazil
- Zhang, H., Zhou, X., Huang, X., Huang, H., Ali Babar, M., An Evidence-Based Inquiry into the Use of Grey Literature in Software Engineering, the International Conference on Software Engineering, 2020, Seoul, Korea.
- Tian, F., Lu, F., Peng, L., Ali Babar, M., Automatic Identification of Architecture Smell Discussions from Stack Overflow, SEKE, 2020.
- Le, M. T., Sabir, B., Ali Babar, M., Automated Software Vulnerability Assessment with Concept Drift, the 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Montreal, Canada, 2019.
- Islam, C., Ali Babar, M., Nepal, S., Automated Interpretation and Integration of Security Tools Using Semantic Knowledge, the 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Rome, Italy, 2019.
- Zhang, H., Huang, X., Zhou, X., Huang, H., Ali Babar, M., Ethnographic Research in Software Engineering: A Critical Review and Checklist, ESE/FSE, Tartu, Estonia, 2019.
- Islam, C., Ali Babar, M., Nepal, S., An Ontology-Driven Approach to Automating the Process of Integrating Security Software Systems, the International Conference on Software and Systems Process, Montreal, Canada, 2019.
- Ullah, F., Ali Babar, M., Quantifying the Impact of Design Strategies for Big Data Cyber Security Analytics: An Empirical Investigation, the 20th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2019), Gold Coast, Australia, 2019.
- Ullah, F., Ali Babar, M., QuickAdapt: Scalable Adaptation for Big Data Cyber Security Analytics, the 24th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computing Systems, Hong Kong, 2019 (Short paper).
- Ullah, F., Ali Babar, M., An Architecture-Driven Adaptation Approach for Big Data Cyber Security Analytics, the International Conference on Software Architecture, Hamburg, Germany, 2019
- Tian, F., Liang, P., Ali Babar, M., How Developers Discuss Architecture Smells?: An Exploratory Study on Stack Overflow, the International Conference on Software Architecture, Hamburg, Germany, 2019
- Le, D. B., Wang, G., Nasim, Ali Babar, M., Gathering Cyber Threat Intelligence from Twitter Using Novelty Classification, CYBERWORLD 2019, Kyoto, Japan.
- Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Cooper, B., An Empirical Investigation of Transferring Research to Software Technology Innovation: A Case of Data-Driven National Security Software, the 12th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Oulu, Finland, 2018.
- Huang, X., Zhang, H., Zhou, X., Yang, S., Ali Babar, M., Synthesizing Qualitative Research in Software Engineering: A Critical Review, the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Gothenburg, Sweden, 2018.
- Gao, M., Yang, Y., Ali Babar, M., Cost Sharing Security Information with Minimal Release Delay, the 21st International Conference on Principles and Practices of Multi-Agent Systems, Tokyo, Japan.
- Xu, Y., Liang, P., Ali Babar, M., Automatically Exploiting Implicit Design Knowledge When Solving the Class Responsibility Assignment Problem, the 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2018), Campobasso, Italy, 2018.
- Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Treude, C., An Empirical Study of Security Issues Posted in Open Source Projects, the 51th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2018.
- Tran, N. K., Sheng, Q. Z., Ali Babar, M., Yao, L., A Kernel-based Approach to Developing Adaptable and Reusable Sensor Retrieval Systems for the Web of Things, the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE), Moscow, Russia, 2017.
- Shahin, M., Ali Babar, M., Zahedi, M., Zhu, L., Beyond Continuous Delivery: An Empirical Investigation of Continuous Deployment Challenges, the 11th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering Measurement (ESEM), Toronto, Canada, 2017.
- Dong, L., Liu, B., Zheng, L., Wu, O., Ali Babar, M., Xu, B., A Mapping Study on Mining Software Process, the 24thAsia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Nanjing, China, 2017.
- Hachem, J. E., Khalil, T. A., Chiprianov, V., Ali Babar, M., Aniotre, P., A Model Driven Method to Design and Analyze Secure Architectures of Systems-of-Systems, (Short paper), the 22nd International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Fukuoka, Japan, 2017.
- Hata, H., Gao, M., Ali Babar, M., Understanding the Heterogeneity of Contributors in Bug Bounty Programs (Short paper), the 11th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering Measurement (ESEM), Toronto, Canada, 2017.
- Gao, M., Hata, H., Ali Babar, M., Optimizing Affine Maximizer Auctions via Linear Programming: an Application to Revenue Maximizing Mechanism Design for Zero-Day Exploits Markets, the 20th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Multi-Agent Systems, Nice, France, 2017.
- Shahin, M., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Zhu, L., Adopting Continuous Delivery and Deployment: Impacts on Team Structures, Collaboration and Responsibilities, the 21st International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, Karlskrona, Sweden, 2017.
- Ullah, F., Raft, A. J., Shahin, M., Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Security Support in Continuous Deployment Pipeline, the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
- Hachem, J.E., Chiprianov, V., Ali Babar, M., Aniorte, P., Towards Methodological Support for Secure Architectures of Software-intensive Systems of Systems, Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2016.
- Rashid, A., Naqvi, S. A. A., Ramdhany, R., Edwards, M., Chitchyna, R., Ali Babar, M., Discovering “Unknown Know” Security Requirements, 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Austin, USA, 2016.
- Cain, A., Ali Babar, M., Reflections on Applying Constructive Alignment with Formative Feedback for Teaching Introductory Programming and Software Architecture, 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), (the Education Track), Austin, USA, 2016.
- Shahin, M., Ali Babar, M., Zhu, L., The Intersection of Continuous Deployment and Architecting Process: Practitioners’ Perspectives, accepted in the 10th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Ciudad Real, Spain, 2016.
- Zhang, W. E., Sheng, Q. Z., Ali Babar, M., Abebe, E., Zhou, A, Mining Source Code Topics through Topic Model and Words Embedding, accepted in the 17th International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications (ADMA), Gold Coast, Australia, 2016.
- Hachem, J. E., Pang, Z. Y., Chiprianov, V., Ali Babar, M., Aniorte, P., Model Driven Software Security Architecture of Systems-of-Systems, the 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand, 2016.
- Chauhan, M.A., Ali Babar, M., Probst, C., A Process Framework for Designing Software Reference Architectures for providing Tools as a Service, accepted in the 17th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement (PROFES), Trondheim, Norway, 2016.
- Guo, M., Hata, H., Ali Babar, M., Revenue Maximizing Markets for Zero-Day Exploits, accepted in International Conference on Principles and Practices of Multi-Agent Systems, Phuket, Thailand, 2016.
- Gao, C., Shen, H., Ali Babar, M., Concealing Jitter in Multi-Player Online Games through Predictive Behaviour Modeling, accepted in the 20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2016.
- Almazroi, A. A., Shen, H., Teoh, K. K., Ali Babar, M., Cloud for e-Learning of Its Adoption by University Students in a Developing Country, accepted in the 13th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE), 2016.
- Tell, P., Ali Babar, M., An Empirical Evaluation of an Activity-Based Infrastructure for Supporting Cooperation in Software Engineering, accepted in the 11th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, USA, 2016.
- Shahin, M., Ali Babar, M., Improving the Quality of Architecture Design through Peer-reviews and Recombination, proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Software Architecture, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2015.
- Xu, Y., Liang, P., Ali Babar, M., Introducing Learning Mechanism for Class Responsibility Assignment Problem, proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering (SSBSE’15), Bergamo, Italy, 2015.
- Zhang, W., Yang, Y., Xiao, J., Liu, X., Ali Babar, M., Ant Colony Algorithm Based Scheduling for Handling Software Project Delay, proceedings of the International Conference on Software and System Process, Tallinn, Estonia, 2015.
- Anvari, F., Richards, D., Hitchens, M., Ali Babar, M., Effectiveness of Persona with Personality Traits on Conceptual Design, accepted in the 37th International Conference of Software Engineering (the Education Track), Florence, Italy, 2015.
- Zhou, Y., Zhang, H., Huang, X., Yang, S., Ali Babar, M., Tang, H., Quality Assessment of Systematic Reviews in Software Engineering: A Tertiary Study, accepted in the 19th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, Nanjing, China, 2015.
- Cleland-Huang, J., Ali Babar, M., Mirakhorli, M., An Inverted Classroom Experience: Engaging Students in Architectural Thinking for Agile Projects, accepted in the Education Track of the 36th International Conference of Software Engineering, Hyderabad, India, 2014.
- Chen, L., Ali Babar, M., Towards an Evidence-Based Understanding of Emergence of Architecture Through Continuous Refactoring in Agile Software Development, accepted in the 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA), Sydney, Australia, 2014.
- Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Knowledge Sharing for Common Understanding of Technical Specifications Through Artifactual Culture, accepted in the 18th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, London, UK, 2014.
- Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Towards an Understanding of Enabling Process Knowing in Global Software Development: A Case Study, accepted in the International Conference on Software and Systems Process (ICSSP), Nanjing, China, 2014.
- Chauhan, M. A., Ali Babar, M., Towards a Reference Architecture of Cloud-enabled Infrastructure for Providing Tools as a Service, 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA), Sydney, Australia, 2014.
- Galster, M., Ali Babar, M., An Empirical Stud of Industrial Practices of Architectural Knowledge Management, 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA), Sydney, Australia, 2014.
- Ali Babar, M., Zahedi, M., Understanding Structures and Affordances of Extended Teams in Global Software Development, Accepted in the 8th International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), Bari, Italy, 2013
- Tell, P., Ali Babar, M., Grundy, J., A Preliminary Evaluation of a Support Infrastructure for Applying Activity Based Computing in Global Software Development, Accepted in the 8th International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), Bari, Italy, 2013.
- Chauhan, M. A., Ali Babar, M., Towards Process Support for Migrating Applications to Cloud Computing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing (CSC 2012), Shanghai, China, 2012.
- Chauhan, M.A., Ali Babar, M., Cloud Infrastructure for Providing Tools as a Service: Quality Attributes and Potential Solutions, Proceedings of the Nordic Symposium on Cloud Computing & Internet Technologies (NordiCloud), Helsinki, Finland, 2012.
- Lee, D., In., H. P., Lee, J., Ali Babar, M., Lee, K., A Quality-Driven Embedded Systems Lifecycle Model for Consumer Electronics, Proceedings of the 7th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Information Science and Technology, JeJu Island, South Korea, 2012.
- Tell, P., Ali Babar, M., Activity Theory Applied to Global Software Engineering: Theoretical Foundations and Implications for Tool Builders, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE), PUCRS, Proto Alegre, Brazil, 2012.
- Ahmed-Kristensen, S., Ali Babar, M., Analysis of Software design and Contrasting to Engineering Design, accepted in the 24th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology (DTM), Chicago, USA, 2012.
- Zhang, H., Ali Babar, M., An Empirical Investigation of Systematic Reviews in Software Engineering, accepted in the 5th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Banff, Canada, 2011.
- Tell, P., Ali Babar, M., Supporting Activity Based Computing Paradigm in Global Software Development, Proceedings of the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2001 (Short paper).
- Chauhan, M. A., Ali Babar, M., Migrating Service-Oriented Systems to Cloud Computing: An Experience Report, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 2011.
- Stol, Klaas-Jan, Avgeriou, P., Ali Babar, M., Design and Evaluation of a Process for Identifying Architecture Patterns in Open Source Software, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Software Architecture, Essen, German, 2011.
- Stol, K., Ali Babar, M., Avgeriou, P., The Importance of Architectural Knowledge in Integrating Open Source Software, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Open Source Systems, Salvador, Brazil, 2011.
- Zhang, H., Ali Babar, M., Bai, X., Li, J., Huang, L., An Empirical Assessment of a Systematic Search Process for Systematic Reviews, Accepted in the 15th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, Durham, UK, 2011.
- Pei-Breivold, H., Chauhan, A., Ali Babar, M., A Systematic Review of Studies of Open Source Software Evolution, proceedings of the 17th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Sydney, Australia, 2010.
- Conradi, R., Ali Babar, M., Controlled Experiments on Pair Programming: Making Sense of Heterogeneous Results, Proceedings of the third Norsk InformasjonsSikkerhets Konferanse (NISK), Gjøvik, Norway, 2010.
- Chen, L., Ali Babar, M., Variability Management in Software Product Lines: An Investigation of Contemporary Industrial Challenges, proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Product Lines, JeJu Islands, South Korea, 2010.
- Zhang, J., Ali Babar, M., On Searching Relevant Studies in Software Engineering, proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), 2010.
- Stol, K., Avgeriou, P., Ali Babar, M., Identifying Architectural Patterns Used in Open Source Software: Approaches and Challenges, proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), 2010.
- Stol, K., Ali Babar., M., A Comparison Framework for Open Source Software Evaluation Methods, proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Open Source Systems, 2010.
- Chen, L., Ali Babar, M., Towards Evidence-Based Understanding of Electronic Data Sources, proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), 2010.
- Chen, L., Ali Babar, M., Model-Centered Customizable Architectural Design Decision Management, proceedings of the Australian Software Engineering Conference, 2010.
- Ali Babar, M., An Exploratory Study of Architectural Practices and Challenges in Using Agile Software Development Approaches, proceedings of the Joint Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA/ECSA 2009), Cambridge, UK, 2009.
- Ali Babar, M., Zhang, H., Systematic Literature Reviews in Software Engineering: Preliminary Results from Interviews with Researchers, proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), Florida, USA, 2009.
- Ali Babar, M., Ihme, T., Pikkarainen, M., An Industrial Case of Exploiting Product Line Architectures in Agile Software Development, proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Product Lines, San Francisco, USA, 2009.
- Chen, L., Ali Babar, M., Ali, N., Variability Management in Software Product Lines: A Systematic Review, proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Product Lines, San Francisco, USA, 2009.
- Ali Babar, M., A Framework for Supporting the Software Architecture Evaluation Process in Global Software Development, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland, 2009.
- Hossain, E., Ali Babar, M., Paik, H., Verner, J., Risks Identification and Mitigation Processes for Using Scrum in Global Software Development: A Conceptual Framework, proceedings of the 16th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Malaysia, 2009.
- Ali, N., Ali Babar, M., Modeling Service-Oriented Architectures of Mobile Applications by Extending SoaML with Ambients, proceedings of the 35th Euromicro Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) Conferece, Patras, Greece, 2009.
- Ali, M.S., Ali Babar, M., Schmid, K., A Comparative Survey of Economic Models for Software Product Lines, proceedings of the 35th Euromicro Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) Conferece, Patras, Greece, 2009, (Short Paper).
- Hossain, E., Ali Babar, M., Paik, H., Using Scrum in Global Software Development: A Systematic Review, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland, 2009.
- Rosik, J., Buckley, J., Ali Babar, M., Design Requirements for an Architecture Consistency Tool, proceedings of the 21st Annual Psychology of Programming Interest Group Conference, Limerick, Ireland, 2009.
- Chen, L., Ali Babar, M., Cawley, C., A Status Report on the Evaluation of Variability Management Approaches, proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, Durham, UK, 2009.
- Stol, K., Ali Babar, M., Reporting Empirical Research in Open Source Software: The State of Practice, proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Open Source Systems, Sweden, 2009.
- Hossain, E., Ali Babar., M., Verner, J., Towards a Framework for Using Agile Approaches in Distributed Software Development, proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, Oulu, Finland, 2009.
- Hossain, E., Ali Babar, M., Verner, J., How Can Agile Practices Minimize Global Software Development Co-ordination Challenges?, proceedings of the 16th European Systems and Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference (EuroSPI), Madrid, Spain, 2009.
- Slyngstad, O P., Conradi, R., Ali Babar, M., Clerc, V., Vliet, H., Risks and Risk Management in Software Architecture Evolution: an Industrial Survey, proceedings of the 15th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Beijing, China, 2008.
- Capilla, R., Ali Babar, M., On the Role of Architectural Design Decisions in Software Product Line Engineering, proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Software Architecture, Paphos, Cyprus, 2008.
- Liu, J., Ali Babar, M., Gorton, I., Middleware Architecture Evaluation for Dependable Self-managing Systems, proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA08), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2008.
- Ali Babar, M., Assessment of a Framework for Designing and Evaluating Security Sensitive Architecture, proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE08), Bari, Italy, 2008.
- Biffl, S., Ali Babar, M., Winkler, D., Impact of Experience and Team Size on the Quality of Scenarios for Architecture Evaluation, proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE08), Bari, Italy, 2008.
- Rosik, J., Le Gear, A., Buckley, J., Ali Babar, M., An Industrial Case Study of Architecture Conformance, proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ESEM08), Germany, 2008.
- Winkler, D., Biffl, S., Ali Babar, M., An Empirical Study of Scenarios Gained and Lost in Architecture Evaluation Meetings, proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ESEM08), Germany, 2008, (Short Paper).
- Ali Babar, M., Niazi, M., Implementing Software Process Improvement Initiatives: An Analysis of Vietnamese Practitioners’ Views, proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Bangalore, India, 2008.
- Lago, P., Muccini, H., Ali Babar, M., On Developing a Course on Designing Software in Global Software Development, proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Bangalore, India, 2008.
- Naizi, M., Ali Babar, M., Ibrahim, S., An Empirical Study Identifying High Perceived Value Practice of CMMI Level 2, proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, Rome, Italy, 2008.
- Naizi, M., Hickman, C., Ali Babar, M., Ahmed, R., A Model for Requirements Change Management: Implementation of CMMI Level 2 Specific Practice, proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, Rome, Italy, 2008.
- Slyngstad, O.P., Li, J., Conradi, R., Ali Babar, M., Identifying and Understanding Architectural Risks in Software Evolution: An Empirical Study, proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, Rome, Italy, 2008.
- Ali Babar, M., Northway, A., Gorton, I., Heuer, P., Nguyen, T., Introducing Tool Support for Managing Architectural Knowledge: An Experience Report, proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Computer Based Systems, Dublin, Ireland, 2008.
- Thiel, S., O’Brien, L., Ali Babar, M., Botterweck, G., Software Product Lines in Automotive Systems Engineering, proceedings of the SAE World Congress in the AE19 Session, 2008.
- O’leary, P., Ali Babar, M., Thiel, S., Richarson, I., Product Derivation Process and Agile Approaches: Exploring the Integration Potential, proceedings of the 2nd IFIP Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques, 2007, Poznan, Poland.
- Ali Babar, M., Bass, L., Gorton, I., Factors Influencing Industrial Practices of Software Architecture Evaluation: An Empirical Investigation, proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Quality of Software Architecture (QoSA), Massachusetts, USA, 2007.
- Nonaka, M., Zhu, L., Ali Babar, M., Staples, M., The Impact of Architecture and Quality Investments in Software Product Line Development, proceedings of the 11th International Software Product Line Conference, 2007, Japan.
- Ali Babar, Barbara, K., The Impact of Group Size on Software Architecture Evaluation: A Controlled Experiment, proceedings of the International symposium on empirical software engineering and measurement, 2007.
- Ali Babar, M., Winkler, D., Biffl, S., Evaluating the Usefulness and Ease of Use of a Groupware Tool for the Software Architecture Evaluation Process, proceedings of the International symposium on empirical software engineering and measurement, 2007.
- Ali Babar, M., Barbara, K., Assessment of a Framework for Comparing Software Architecture Analysis Methods, proceedings of the 11th International conference on evaluation and assessment in software engineering, Keele, England, 2007.
- Naizi, M., Ali Babar, M., Motivators of Software Process Improvement: An Analysis of Vietnamese Practitioners’ Views, proceedings of the 11th International conference on evaluation and assessment in software engineering, Keele, England, 2007.
- Naizi, M., Ali Babar, M., De-Motivators of Software Process Improvement: An Analysis of Vietnamese Practitioners’ Views, proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, 2007, Riga, Lative (One of the best papers invited for Journal publication)..
- Nonaka, M., Zhu, L., Ali Babar, M., Staples, M., Project Cost Overrun Simulation in Software Product Line Development, proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, 2007, Riga, Lative.
- Nonaka, M., Zhu, L., Ali Babar, M., Staples, M., Project Delay Variability Simulation in Software Product Line Development, proceedings of the 1st International conference on software process Minneapolis, USA, 2007.
- Ali Babar, M., Tang, A., Gorton, I., and Han, J., Industrial Perspective on the Usefulness of Design Rationale for Software Maintenance, proceedings of the International Conference on Quality of Software (QSIC) 2006, Beijing, China.
- Ali Babar, M., Biffl, S., Eliciting Better Quality Architecture Evaluation Scenarios: A Controlled Experiment On Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up, proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE) 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Ali Babar, M., Kitchenham, B., Jeffery, R., Distributed versus Face-to-Face meetings for architecture evaluation: A controlled experiment, proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE) 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (One of the selected papers invited for Journal publication)..
- Kitchenham, B., Al-Khilidar, H., Ali Babar, M., Berry, M., Cox, K., Keung, J., Kurniawati, F., Staples, M., Zhang, H., Zhu, L., An Evaluation of Proposed Guidelines for Reporting Software Engineering Experiments, proceedings of the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering (ISESE) 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Best paper award).
- Ali Babar, M., Kitchenham, B., Gorton, I., Towards a Distributed Software Architecture Evaluation Process – A Preliminary Assessment, proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering, (Emerging Results Track), 2006.
- Ali Babar, M., Kitchenham, B., Maheshwari, P., The Value of Architecturally Significant Information Extracted from Patterns for Architecture Evaluation: A Controlled Experiment, proceedings of the Australian Software Engineering Conference, 2006, Sydney, Australia.
- Ali Babar, M., Kitchenham, B., Maheshwari, P. Assessing the value of architectural information extracted from patterns for architecting, proceedings of the 10th International conference on Empirical Assessment in Software Engineering, 2006, Keele, UK.
- Nguyen, P.T., Ali Babar, M., Verner, J.M., Critical Factors in Establishing and Maintaining Trust in Software Outsourcing Relationships, proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering (Far Eastern Experiences Track), 2006.
- Nguyen, P.T., Ali Babar, M., Verner, J.M., Trust in Software Outsourcing Relationships: An Analysis of Vietnamese Practitioners’ Views, proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Empirical Assessment in software Engineering, 2006, Keele, UK (One of the best papers invited for Journal publication)..
- Ali Babar, M., Gorton, I., and Jeffery, R., Capturing and Using Software Architecture Knowledge for Architecture-based Software Development, proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC) 2005, Melbourne.
- Ali Babar, M., Kitchenham, B., Maheshwari, P., and Jeffery, R. Mining Patterns for Improving Architecting Activities – A Research Program and Preliminary Assessment, proceedings of the 9th International conference on Empirical Assessment in Software Engineering. 2005, Keele, UK.
- Tang, A., Ali Babar, M., Gorton, I., and Han, J., A Survey of the Use and Documentation of Architecture Design Rationale, proceedings of the 5th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) 2005, USA (One of the best papers invited for Journal publication)..
- Ali Babar, M., Wang, X., and Gorton, I., Supporting Security Sensitive Architecture Design, proceedings of International Conference on Quality of Software Architectures, 2005, Erfurt, Germany.
- Al-Naeem, T., Gorton, I., Ali-Babar, M., and Rabhi, F., and Benatallah, B., A Quality-Driven Systematic Approach for Architecting Distributed Software Applications, proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering, 2005, St. Louis, USA.
- Ali Babar, M., Niazi, M., and Jeffery, R., Assessing a Framework of Comparing Architecture Review Methods Using CMMI, proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China.
- Ali Babar, M., Wang, X., Gorton, I., PAKME: A Tool for Capturing and Using Architecture Design Knowledge, The 9th IEEE International Multitopic Conference, 2005.
- Ali Babar, M., Kitchanham, B., Zhu, L., and Jeffery, R. An Exploratory Study of Groupware Support for Distributed Software Architecture Evaluation Process, proceedings of the 11th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 2004, Busan, South Korea (One of the best papers invited for Journal publication).
- Ali Babar, M., Zhu, L., and Jeffery, R. A Framework for Classifying and Comparing Software Architecture Evaluation Methods, proceedings of the Australian Software Engineering Conference, 2004, Melbourne, Australia.
- Ali Babar, M., and Zwoghi, D., Developing a Requirements Management Toolset: Lessons Learned, proceedings of the Australian Software Engineering Conference, 2004, Melbourne, Australia.
- Zhu, L., Ali-Babar, M., and Jeffery, R., Mining Patterns to Support Software Architecture Evaluation, proceedings of the 4th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, 2004, Oslo, Norway.
- Ali Babar, M. and Gorton, I., Supporting Architecture Evaluation Process with Collaborative Application, proceedings of the 8th International Multi topic Conference, 2004, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Huo, M., Verner, J., Zhu, L., and Ali-Babar, M., Software Quality and Agile Methods, proceedings of the 28th Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2004, Hong Kong, China.
- Mendis, P., Reeves, W., Ali Babar, M., Zhang, Y., Rahman, A., Evaluating the Quality of Open Source Ansible Playbooks: An Executability Perspective, accepted in SEA4DQ 24 collocated with FSE 2024, Brazil.
- Le, T. M. H., Ali Babar, M., Thai, T., H., Software Vulnerability Prediction in Low-Resource Languages: An Empirical Study of CodeBERT and ChatGPT, the 4th International Workshop on Secure Software: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons Learned, Co-located with EASE 2024, Salerno, Italy.
- Arani, A. K., Zahedi, M., Le, T., Ali Babar, SoK: Machine Learning for Continuous Integration, the Workshop on Cloud Intelligence / AlOps 2023, ICSE 2023, Australia.
- Ahmed, A., Ali Babar., M., Towards a Pattern Language for Self-Adaptation Cloud-Based Architectures, accepted in the Dependable and Secure Cloud Computing Architecture, Collocated with WICSA 2014, Sydney, Australia.
- Ahmed, A., Ali Babar, M., A Framework for Architecture-Driven Migration of Legacy Systems to Cloud-Enabled Software, accepted in the First Workshop on Software Architecture Erosion and Architectural Consistency, Collocated with WICSA 2014, Sydney, Australia.
- Jain, S., Ali Babar, M., Fernandez, J., Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry: Balancing Rigor and Relevance, proceedings of the workshop on Conducting Empirical Studies in Industry (CESI), Collocated with ICSE 2013, San Francisco, USA.
- Zahedi, M., Ali Babar, M., Exploring Social Structures in Extended Team Model, proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2013), collocated with ICSE 2013, San Francisco, USA.
- Tell, P., Ali Babar, M., Requirements for an infrastructure to support
Activity-Based Computing in Global Software Development, accepted in 5th
International Workshop on Tool Support Development and Management in
Distributed Software Projects (REMIDI’10), Collocated with ICGSE 2011,
Helsinki, Finland. - Ali Babar, M., Chauhan, M. A., A Tale of Migration to Cloud Computing for Sharing Experiences and Observations, SECLOUD workshop, Collocated with ICSE 2011, Hawaii, USA.
- Kou, S., Ali Babar, M., Sangroya, A., Modeling Security for Service Oriented Application, proceedings of the 8th Nordic Workshop on Model-Driven Software Engineering, Collocated with the 4th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA2010), Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Stol, K., Ali Babar, M., Challenges in Using Open Source Software in Product Development: A Review of the Literature, the FLOSS workshop, Collocated with ICSE 2010, Cape town, South Africa.
- Ali, N., Nellipaiappan, R., Chandran, R., Ali Babar, M., Model-Driven Support for the Service-Oriented Architecture Modeling Language, proceedings of the workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems (PESOS 2010), Collocated with ICSE 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Chen, L., Ali Babar, M., A Study of Scalability Aspects of Variability Modeling Approaches, proceedings of the workshop on Scalable Modeling Techniques for Software Product Lines (SCALE2009), Collocated with SPLC 2009, San Francisco, USA.
- Stol, K., Ali Babar, M., Russo, B., Fitzgerald, B., The Use of Empirical Methods in Open Source Software Research: Facts, Trends and Future Directions, proceedings of the FLOSS workshop, Collocated with ICSE 2009, Vancouver, Canada.
- Solis, C., Ali, N., and Ali-Babar, M., A Spatial Hypertext Wiki for Architectural Knowledge Management, proceedings of the workshop on Wikis for Software Engineering, Collocated with ICSE 2009, Vancouver, Canada.
- Ul-Haq, A., Ali Babar, M., Tool Support for Automating Architectural Knowledge Extraction, proceedings of the workshop on Sharing and Reusing architectural knowledge (SHARK), Collocated with ICSE 2009, Vancouver, Canada.
- Ali Babar, M., Capilla, R., Capturing and Using Quality Attributes Knowledge in Software Architecture Evaluation Process, proceedings of the First International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge (MaRK08), collocated with RE08, 2008, Barcelona, Spain.
- Shokry, H., Ali Babar, M., Dynamic Software Product Line Architectures Using Service-Based Computing for Automotive Systems, proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSPL), Collocated with SPLC08, 2008, Limerick, Ireland.
- Ali Babar, M., The Application of Knowledge-Sharing Workspace Paradigm for Software Architecture Processes, proceedings of the workshop on Sharing and Reusing architectural knowledge (SHARK), Collocated with ICSE 2008, Leipzig, Germany.
- Downey, J., Ali Babar, M., On Identifying Skills Needed for Software Architects, proceedings of the workshop on Leadership and Management in Software Architecture, Collocated with ICSE 2008, Leipzig, Germany.
- Faheem, A., Capretz, L. F., Ali Babar, M., A Model of Open Source Software-Based Product Line Development, proceedings of the workshop on Quality and Architectural Concerns in Open Source Software (QACOS), collocated with COMPSAC, Turku, Finland, 2008.
- O’leary, P., Ali Babar, M., Thiel, S., Richarson, I., Towards Agile Product Derivation in Software Product Line Engineering, proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Rapid Integration of Software Engineering techniques, 2007, Luxembourg.
- Ali Babar, Fitzgerald, B., Ågerfalk, P.J., Lundell, B., Thiel, S., On the Importance of Sound Architectural Practices in the Use of OSS in Software Product Lines, proceedings of the OSSPL07 Asia, collocated with the 11th Software Product Line Conference, 2007, Kyoto, Japan.
- Ali Babar, M., Gorton, I., A Tool for Software Architecture Knowledge Management, proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architecture knowledge – Architecture, Rationale, and Design Intent, Minneapolis, USA..
- Ali Babar, M., Boer, R., Dingsoyr, T., Farenhorst, R., Architectural Knowledge Management Strategies: Approaches in Research and Industry, proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architecture knowledge – Architecture, Rationale, and Design Intent, 2007, Minneapolis, USA..
- Ali Babar, M. and Verner, J., Groupware requirements for supporting software architecture evaluation process, proceedings of the International Workshop on Distributed Software Development, 2005, Paris, France.
- Kutay, C. and Ali Babar, M., Teaching Three Quality Assurance Techniques in Tandem – Lessons Learned, proceedings of the International Workshop on Education and Training for Quality Software Engineering, 2005, Melbourne, Australia.
- Ali Babar, M., and Gorton, I., Comparison of Scenario-Based Software Architecture Evaluation Methods, proceedings of the 1st Asia-Pacific Workshop on Software Architecture and Component Technologies, 2004, Busan, South Korea.
- Ali Babar, M., Scenarios, Quality Attributes, and Patterns: Capturing and Using their Synergistic Relationships for Product Line Architectures, proceedings of the International Workshop on Adopting Product Line Software Engineering, 2004, Busan, South Korea.
- Ali Babar, M., Gorton, I., and Zhu, L., Distributed Software Architecture Evaluation Process, proceeding of the 3rd Workshop on Cooperative Support for Distributed Software Engineering Processes, 2004, Linz, Austria.
- Zhu, L., Ali Babar, M., and Jeffery, R., Distilling Scenarios from Patterns for Software Architecture Evaluation, proceedings of the First European Workshop on Software Architecture, 2004, St. Andrew, Scotland.
- Huo, M., Verner, J., Ali Babar, M., and Zhu, L., How Does Agility Ensure Quality?, proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Software Quality, 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Ali Babar, M. An Experience of Applying Architecture-Based Approach to Build a Component-Based Requirements Management Toolset, proceedings of the workshop on architecture for complex application integration, 2003, Dallas, Texas, USA.
- Ali Babar, M., Perspectives and Reflections on Cloud Computing and Internet Technologies from NordiCloud 2012, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Cloud Computing and Internet Technologies, 2013, Oslo, Norway.
- Ali Babar, M., Dumas, M., Solberg, A., NordiCloud 2013: A Nordic and Baltic Gathering for Supporting Cloud Computing and Internet Technologies, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Cloud Computing and Internet Technologies, 2013, Oslo, Norway.
- Deeptimahanti , D., Ali Babar, M., An Automated Tool for Generating UML Models from Natural Language Requirements, Proceedings of the 24th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, 2009, Auckland, New Zealand.
- Chen, L., Ali Babar., M., Supporting Customizable Architectural Design Decision Management, proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, 2010, Cambridge, UK.