Category: Research Methods

  • The Role of Site Visits in Software Engineering Teams

    A large number of Software Engineering teams are virtual, which are characterised by various types of distances such geographical, culture, temporal, and knowledge. Such distances can cause a number of small and big challenges that lead sub-optimal development teams or event project failures. Software engineering researchers and practitioners have been researching and debating the cost…

  • Knowledge Sharing in Globally Distributed Teams

    Globally distributed software engineering has become a norm of getting software developed. Whilst there are several potential benefits of getting software teams working around the clock while being located around the World – so-called follow the sun strategy -, there are several challenges in making such teams successfully work together. Communication, coordination, and collaboration are…

  • A New Approach to Identifying Security Requirements

    We are delighted to announce that our ongoing collaboration with researchers from Lancaster University and University of Leicester has resulted in an approach to eliciting security requirements. The approach has been published in a recently accepted paper in the premier software engineering conference, the International Conference on Software Engineering to be organised in Austin, USA…

  • Research Methods for Software Engineering Students

    The Software Engineering community is increasingly recognising the value of empirical evidence to support research and practice. Empirical evidence provides a means to evaluate the utility of promising research areas and to help practitioners to make informed technology adoption decisions. Hence, there is an increasing need for providing software engineering researchers and practitioners with appropriate…

  • Visiting Software School at Fudan University, China

    During my recent visit to China, I visited the Software Engineering Laboratory, Software School at Fudan University in Shanghai. It has always a great pleasure visiting Professor Xin Peng and his team who are conducting an excellent research on challenging and important topics of Software Product Lines, Software Maintenance and Evolution, and Requirements Engineering. This…