Category: Design patterns

  • Empirical research in software architecture

    Empirical research is quite difficult undertaking; doing empirical research becomes even more difficult when the studied objects are likely to be described at a higher level of abstract like software architecture. That is an obvious reasons that we don’t see much empirical research, even not very rigorous one, carried out to assess the effectiveness and…

  • ECSA2010 ended – great satisfaction!!!

    This has been a fantastic week for ECSA2010 organizing team as well as for me personally. Everyone took great satisfaction to see this relatively new conference raising the bar in terms of quality of the program, number of delegates, and fantastic keynote speakers. It was almost 15 months when it was decided that the fourth…

  • ECSA 2010 – Selection of research track papers completed

    I am very delighted that the review process for the ECSA 2010 research track completed on time without any hiccup. There were more than 310 reviews to be carried out on 106 submissions. Each paper was reviewed by three reviewers except three papers. I am grateful to a lot of colleagues for their continuous support and advice;…

  • Agility and Architecture – Why and How to combine them?

    Whether we like it or not, it is a fact that Agile approaches have had significant impact on industrial software development practices. Many companies which I have come to know through my collaborative and consultancy contacts, especially in Scandinavian region, have adopted and/or are planning to adopt agile approaches. Despite becoming widely popular, there remains…