Category: Software Engineering

  • Talk at NEC & IDC Event on Smarter and Safer Societies

    Smart Cities initiatives can mean different things to different people and solutions providers. However, there is no doubt that a smart city solution should not only focus on providing the core service but should also contribute to the safety of the users of a service. That is why quite a lot of smart cities solutions…

  • Systemization of Knowledge about Architecting Cloud-Based Systems

    We have been expanding our research on engineering systems with/for Cloud based infrastructures. One of the key challenges of engineering cloud-based systems is designing and evaluating appropriate architectures. Being a relatively new area, knowledge about designing and evaluating cloud-based systems is scarce and but growing. We observed the need of systematically identifying and synthesizing the…

  • Smart Campuses – Experimental Platforms for Smart Cities

    Smart Cities initiatives are gaining popularity in almost every corner of the World – increasing urbanisation and myriad of socio-economic challenges are forcing governments and public sector organisations to leverage Information Communication Technologies (ICT) for conceiving and materialising innovative solutions for socio-economic challenges under a broad umbrella of Smart Cities. Since Smart Cities initiatives present…

  • Designing and Evolving Architectures for Big Data Applications

    Big Data applications are playing critical role for all sorts of organisations. Whilst data scientist is considered a critical role for big data applications, the role of software architect has become even more critical as appropriate design and careful implementation are the key to successful big data applications for supporting organisational decisions and business processes.…

  • Reference Architecture for Cloud-Based Tools as a Service Workspace Completed

    A few years ago we started an exciting and challenging project to design and implement a reference architecture for providing Tools as a Service (TaaS). That project was aimed at developing and evaluating an infrastructure that can host and provision tools for supporting engineering efforts in general and software engineering in particular. There is no…

  • Collaborative Project with NICTA on Architecting for DevOps Starts

    We have recently started a collaborative project with the Software Systems Research Group of National ICT Australia in Sydney. The project is aimed at understanding and addressing new challenges for designing architectures of complex systems that would be following the Continuous deployment (CD) and DevOps paradigm. CD and DevOps have emerged as an auspicious software…

  • Australasian Software Engineering Conference Coming to Adelaide

    After several months of deliberations and discussions, I’m glad to announce that finally Australasian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC) will be coming to Adelaide in late September this year; the exact dates are September 28 to October 1 2015. ASWEC will be coming to Adelaide after almost 18 years and we are really looking forward to…

  • Research Methods for Software Engineering Students

    The Software Engineering community is increasingly recognising the value of empirical evidence to support research and practice. Empirical evidence provides a means to evaluate the utility of promising research areas and to help practitioners to make informed technology adoption decisions. Hence, there is an increasing need for providing software engineering researchers and practitioners with appropriate…

  • Reference Architecture for Cloud-Based Workspace of Tools

    A few years ago, we started working on designing a cloud-based infrastructure for providing Engineering tools as services, an approach we called Tools as a Service (TaaS). We have made significant progress towards materialising the concept of developing an infrastructure for providing vendor and technology neutral platform for providing Tools as Services. Since such an…

  • Making Software and Software Engineering Visible

    Software is becoming increasing pervasive. We have been witnessing dramatic changes and improvements in our lives courtesy to software based devices, services, and systems. Several reports are appearing that emphasise the importance of software engineering for continuously driving the ICT based innovation and job creation. For example, NESSI, a European technology platform has released a…