Organizations and practitioners are well aware, and largely convinced, of the claimed benefits of cloud computing, however, they are concerned about the general lack of knowledge about the potential uncertainties and risks involved in adopting cloud computing. This is one of the conclusions from the first phase of our research on cloud computing adoption barriers. This phase of the research was carried out as a Masters thesis project of Kristina Jucyte under my supervision.
An initial analysis from the gathered data indicates that security, privacy, legal, availability, support and quality of service were the main concerns. A large number of participants were concerned about about data location and legal framework that mmay govern the information, jurisdiction realization, cloud’s outage and information accessibility. A majority of them recommended that organizations need to carefully study the regulartory and business expectations of their industry and commercial process before start using cloud computing services.
Other mentioned concerns included the availability, technical support, and quality of service. While we are preparing for the second phase of this study with a larger scope, this phase has revealed that the respondents were of the view that cloud computing can be used as a mechanism of innovation, however, each ogranization needs to analyze its specific needs and the available services by public cloud providers. That’s mean they need to have an overall strategy to help better understand the potential usages and risks of leveraging cloud computing. I believe it is an important topic which needs to be extensively explored as without identifying and addressing the factors perceived to be adoption barriers by organizations and practitioners, it is quite difficult to have them adopt cloud computing, particularly public cloud solution. Further details about the study design, data collection and analysis, and our plan for the second phase of the research on this topic can be obtained by communicating with me.
Cloud Computing – Adoption Barriers
Cloud Computing, Container Technologies, Cyber Security, Data Exfiltration, Evidence-Based Software Engineering, Private Cloud, Security