ECSA 2010 program almost final!!!



We have been making pretty smooth progress on finalizing the program for ECSA 2010, which is one of the premier forum of software architecture community around the World in general and in Europe in particular. Like previous gatherings of ECSA, we expect ECSA 2010 will attract a large number of researchers and practitioners to present and discuss the most recent, innovative and significant findings and experiences in the field of software architecture research and practice. ECSA 2010 is the fourth edition of ECSA built upon a history of successful series of European workshops on software architecture held from 2004 through 2006 and a series of European software architecture conferences from 2007 through 2009. The last ECSA was merged with the Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA).

Apart from the traditional technical program consisting of keynote talks, main research track, and poster session, the scope of the ECSA 2010 has been broadened to incorporate other tracks such as industry track, doctoral symposium track, and tool demonstration track. In addition, ECSA 2010 will also offer several workshops and tutorials on a diverse topics related to software architecture discipline.

For ECSA 2010 research track, we received 106 submissions in the three main categories: full research and experience papers, emerging research papers, and research challenges papers. The conference attracted papers (co-)authored by researchers, practitioners, and academia from 30 countries (Algeria, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States).

We accepted Only 19 full papers out of 75 full papers submitted. The acceptance rate for the full papers was 25.33% for ECSA 2010. In the “Emerging research” category, we accepted only 2 out of 21 papers submitted under this category. Based on the reviews and quality of the submissions, 18 full papers were invited to be converted into “Emerging Research” papers. For the “Research Challenges” (Poster) category, 5 out of 10 submissions were accepted. Two full research papers and three “Emerging Research” papers were invited to be presented as poster papers. Hence, there were 11 papers in this category.

For 106 submissions to the research track, more than 300 reviews were required by around 62 members of the program committee. Each paper was reviewed by three reviewers except three papers. Most of the reviews were quite detailed and there were extensive discussions on the papers with conflicting reviews. I am extremely grateful to all the program committee members who provided detailed and timely reviews on the submitted papers. Ian and Flavio were very generous in extending support and advice for the selection of the papers. With the support of all helping hands, the review process was completed and authors were notified just one day later than initially annouced despite we had extended the deadline for one week :-)

The tool demonstration chairs have also completed the review process and accepted 3 out of 6 submitted papers. Doctoral Sympoisum chairs have selected seven submissions to be presented during a full day Doctoral Symposium on Monday August 23. These papers will also appear in the second volume of ECSA 2010 proceedings to be published in ACM DL.
We are working on preparing for the final proceedings and the registration and look forward to having an exciting techical program during ECSA 2010.