This is the main theme of the next year’s one of the largest gatherings of academic and corporate researchers, and practitioners interested in Global Software Engineering (GSE) – I am referring to the sixth IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE) to be held in Helsinki, Finland. Now we are moving into the final stages of seeking submissions for which we will be relentlessly chasing our friends and colleagues working in GSE to contribute their work to ICGSE2011. There are quite a lot of ambitious plans and interesting news about our preparation for making ICGSE2011 a great success with the support of Everyone and Anyone interested in GSE. But this post is just to share something about the conference’s main theme about which I am extremely excited. So how this theme came and what’s special about it – simple rationale behind a long process.
We started looking for the main theme right from the moment ICGSE steering committee accepted the proposal that Casper, Marie, and I had put together in Limerick, Ireland, during ICGSE2009. However, we individually and collectively tossed around some ideas but couldn’t really seriously talk about the theme until we got Christian on board as the program co-chair. By then we realized that the time to mobilze things had arrived and needed to settle on a conference theme – one predominant thought behind this brainstorming was the beginning of the new decade from next year, conference year. So came the “next decade”, then we reflected upon the common problems identified in the literature over the first decade of GSE in the context of contemporary trends. Obviously format and nature of globalization in software development are increasing; so are the challenges characterized by an increasing cultural, temporal, and geographical diversities that would require novel techniques, tools, and practices. However, one of the most important challenges for GSE researchers and practitioners is to really understand the challenges from 360 degree before they can venture about developing solutions to address those challenges. It suddenly clicked to us that ICGSE2011 will be the best time to reflect upon the relevance and applicability of the existing GSE solutions during the next decade, which is likely to bring its own challenges when it comes to doing software engineering with geographically, culturally, and temporally distributed stakeholders. So this was the main rationale behind the conference theme, which is intended to motivate the key focus on the conference program. Hence, a large number of people interested in talking or knowing about the GSE challenges in the coming decade would be at ICGSE2011; so should be you!!!
Global Software Engineering Challenges for the Next Decade
Agile Approaches, Cloud Computing, Evidence-Based Software Engineering, Global Software Engineering (GSE), Software Architecture