ICGSE 2011 – Review process complete



Being a program chair of a premier conference in someone’s area of research is a privilege but with huge amount of responsibility and work; but the amount of effort and work required to complete the reviewing process of ICGSE 2011 were unusual. However, I am very delighted that we completed the reviewing process on time despite a few reviewers sending last minutes apologies :-( There were 251 reviews on 87 submissions. Each paper was reviewed by three reviewers except a few papers. This year we have accepted 26 papers out of 87 submissions – approximately 30% acceptance rate. We have accepted 17 out of 57 research papers, 7 out of 26 industry papers and 2 out of 6 education papers.

We are grateful to a lot of colleagues for their continuous support and advice; the program committee members not only provided timely reviews, most of the reviews were quite detailed, but also actively participated in the discussions on papers with conflicting reviews. Apart from Christian and myself, Casper (GC) also reviewed several papers that needed extra reviews and/or difficult decisions. We are fully confident that ICGSE 2011 would have a very high quality technical program this year. You can view the accepted papers below:

1. Replicating an ‘Onshore’ Capstone Computing Project in a ‘Farshore’ Setting – an Experience Report-Tony

2.Experiences on Agile seating, facilities and solutions, Multisite environment-Minna

3. An Understanding of the Role of Trust in Knowledge Seeking and Acceptance ‎Practices

in Distributed Development Teams-Ban, Hiroko, David and Erik

4. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Board Game Usage to Teach GSE Dynamics-Rini, Kevin and Ben

5. Keeping the spin – from idea to cash in 6 weeks. Success story of Agile/Lean transformation-Jaroslav, Marcin and Martin

6. Scrum-based Methodology for Distributed Software Development-Eva, Francisco and Mario

7. A Risk-driven Model for Work Allocation in Global Software Development Projects-Ansgar, Jürgen, Alicia and Carlos

8. Process-focused Lessons Learned from a multi-site development project at Daimler Trucks-Michael and Stefan

9. Governance Patterns in Global Software Engineering: Best Practices and Lessons Learned-Raja

10. The impact of Multi-site Software Governance on Knowledge Management-Christina, Bart, Antony and Hans

11. A Controlled Experiment on the Effects of Machine Translation in Multilingual Requirements Meetings-Fabio, Filippo and Rafael

12. Exploring the Role of Instant Messaging in a Global Software Development Project-Yvonne and Rosalba

13. Researching into Follow-the-Sun Software Development: Challenges and Opportunities-Josiane, Estevao, Jorge and Rafael

14. Offshore Insourcing: A Case Study on Software Quality Alignment-Sebastian, Claes, Panagiota and Lefteris

15. Reverse Offshore Outsourcing Experiences in Global Software Engineering Projects-Ben and Kris

16. Distributed Collaborative Model Editing Framework for Domain Specific Modeling Tools-Amanuel, Vincent and Philippe

17. FLOW Mapping: Planning and Managing Communication in Distributed Teams-Kai, Eric, Kurt and Nico

18. How does Distribution and Time Zones affect Software Development? A Case Study on

Communication-Martin, H.-Christian, Bertrand, Julian, Carlo and Elisabetta

19. GloSE-Lab: Teaching Global Software Engineering-Constanze, Christoph, Roland, Eric,

Marco, Andreas, Bernhard and Kurt

20. Outsourced, Offshored Software-Testing Practice: Vendor-Side Experiences-Hina, Saurabh and Mary

21. Governance Mechanisms in Global Development Environments-Yael, Shy, Anat and Ronen

22. Coaching Global Software Development Projects-Maria

23. A Multi-criteria Model for Planning and Fine-tuning Distributed Scrum Projects-Luis, Adriano and Placido

24. ABB Experience of Boosting Controlling and Monitoring Activities in Collaborative Production-Maarit, Päivi, Tanja, Katja and Malin

25. Fostering a High-Performance Culture in offshore software engineering teams using Balanced Scorecards and Project Scorecards-Mani, Gerd, Raghu and Manoj

26. How Globally Distributed Software Teams Can Improve Their Collaboration Effectiveness-Mayank and Jude