Keynote Talk at the Big Data & Cloud Computing Conference

It was a great pleasure to have an opportunity to attend the fourth edition of the Big Data and Cloud Computing Conference in Sydney at the beginning of December, 2014. I had had the privilege of listening to several great keynote speakers, all of them well known leaders of their respective areas of research and development. Each of the keynote speakers shared invaluable insights and vision about the research and practice of Big Data and Cloud Computing. I was also honoured to be invited to give a keynote talk at the conference. I chose to speak about our recent topic of research in this area of Designing and Evolving Software Architectures for Cloud-Based Systems. The slides embedded in the previous link and the abstract below can give you some ideas about our work in the area and we will be happy to share more details of our further work in progress and the possibilities of collaboration with researchers and industry. 

Like in any other large-scale software intensive system, software architecture is critical in developing and evolving cloud-enabled systems. The role of software architecture in cloud-based system is neither trivial nor well understood. It is important to understand the key architectural challenges in designing and evolving cloud-based systems. To this end, we have been systematically studying several cases of academic efforts and industrial practices aimed at designing and evolving cloud-based systems in private and public sectors. Our goal is provide evidence-based insights to our and others’ efforts aimed at devising novel and innovative approaches and tools for architecting cloud-based systems. The talk will provide the details of some of the cases to highlight the architectural challenges and some of the solutions to address them. This talk will also share the information gleaned from the studied cases and pinpoint some of the key architecture related areas that need immediate attention of practitioners and researchers.