I am very excited to share with all those interested in global software engineering that we have received a large grant from the Danish Strategic Council for our GSD project :-). The project ‘Next Generation Technology for Global Software Development (NxG^GSD) has received 18 million Kroner under the research program of strategic growth technologies. The multidisciplinary project with a total budget of approximately 35 million Kroner will involve 5 senior scientists, 4 postdocs and 6 PhD at IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School, and Indian Institute of Management and several staff members from industrial partners, Danish NNIT, Indian TATA Consulting Services, and Danish IT company, TEO. The project has been motivated by an important need of building Danish companies’ competencies to leverage the increasing trend of globalization of software development companies and their staff. Today, software development based largely on outsourcing, but there are companies with a strong need to establish a stronger global collaboration between development teams across time zones, locations and cultures. Important prerequisites for global software development is on one hand the development of integrated IT tools and on the other hand, a much deeper understanding of the cultural and organizational differences. The NxG ^ GSD project purports to explore global cooperation within software development and create knowledge, technologies and tools that can effectively bridge the perceived differences and improve the Danish ICT companies’ competitiveness in the global market. The project’s starting point is that cultural diversity is a cornerstone of innovation, if you are able to utilize and appreciate diversity as a resource for collaboration on technology development. Please stay tune for more information about the project over the coming days, months, and years as its five years long project :-).