With the increasing popularity of Cloud computing, an increasing organizations are pondering about their strategy to migrate their existing software intensive systems to cloud-enabled infrastructure. One of the key questions of any migration strategy will be what kinds software engineering methods, guidelines, and tools are available to support the migration process. While an increasing number of companies are expected to migrate their systems to cloud enabled infrastructures, there has not been much attention paid to provide sufficient process support. However, migrating software intensive systems will face several kinds of challenges which needs to be identified and addressed by providing organizations with appropriate process, methods, and tools. We have been working on developing appropriate process support for migration projects based on our experiences of migrating software systems to cloud computing. We have recently written a paper describing the main steps followed, the process and technical challenges faced, and some of the strategies that helped us to address those challenges. This paper will be presented at the SECLOUD workshop collocated with ICSE 2011 in Hawaii, USA. This reports is expected to provide readers with useful insights into the process and technical aspects that should be considered when migrating existing software systems to cloud computing infrastructures. Anyone interested in reading this report, please feel free to drop me an email.