Category: Social Structure

  • Artefactual Culture for Knowledge Sharing in Global Software Engineering

    Knowledge sharing is an important, but usually ignored activity because of time and effort required are hardly available; especially the documentation based knowledge sharing approaches have hard time gaining acceptance by contemporary software development teams in general and Agile methods users in particular. Agile followers heavily promote the use of face-to-face interactions and source code…

  • Extended Team Model in GSD and Structures

    We have been researching the theoretical concepts and practical implementation of Extended Team Model in Global Software Development (GSD) arrangements. This research has been motivated by the increasing popularity of developing software involving cross-organizational teams that are characterised by all sorts of distances (e.g., geographical, cultural, temporal, and knowledge). While there is plenty of literature…

  • Summer School on Software Engineering in Salerno, Italy

    I have just arrived in Italy to give a tutorial at the 10th anniversary of the International Summer School on Software Engineering that is being organised at the University of Salerno, Italy. The summer school was founded back in 2003 with the aim of providing Ph.D. students and academic and industrial researchers with the latest…

  • Social Structures in Extended Team Model

    Extended Team Model (ETM) is an emerging mode of arrangement for Global Software Development (GSD). As described in one of my previous post, ETM is a customized offshore outsourcing model aimed at building an extended arm of a client by having access to software development resources of a vendor, usually located offshore, by forming a partnership.…

  • Sharing Experiences from Human-Centric Software Engineering Research

    My current visit of down under (Australia) provided me with several opportunities to visit several colleagues, albeit for short catch meetings, and share our current research directions and  outcomes. My discussions and invited talks mainly focused on our experiences of devising and executing an ambitious agenda of taking an interdisciplinary approach to combining our historical…

  • Leveraging Activity Based Computing and Cloud Computing for Global Software Engineering

    We have been working on exploring the use of activity based computing for guiding the design and development of next generation of tools for supporting software engineering in general and global software engineering in particular. At the same time, we have started work on leveraging cloud computing for the provision of such platforms and tools…

  • Brief on Software Engineering Research for Sustainable Systems

    Recently I gave a presentation on our research and development activities for supporting the sustainability aspects in engineering software intensive systems while leveraging cloud computing and global software engineering. Three key focus of our research are architectural solutions that promote sustainability aspects for cloud-based solutions, processes and practices for sustainable utilization of resources in global…