I have just arrived in Italy to give a tutorial at the 10th anniversary of the International Summer School on Software Engineering that is being organised at the University of Salerno, Italy. The summer school was founded back in 2003 with the aim of providing Ph.D. students and academic and industrial researchers with the latest findings in the field of Software Engineering.
Like previous years, the school also has a very interesting and exciting program consisting of tutorials by experts and short talks by students. I will be giving my tutorial on July 8 and it is focused on leveraging cloud computing for supporting global software engineering. The invited lecturers will cover a diverse set of topics such as cloud and service-oriented architectures, web engineering, model driven software engineering, design patterns, software refactoring, reverse engineering and reengineering, mining software repository, empirical software engineering, collaborative software development, social and human aspects of software engineering. The complete
program of the school can provide the details about the nature of the talks and the presentation slides.