Category: Open Source Software

  • Australasian Software Engineering Conference Coming to Adelaide

    After several months of deliberations and discussions, I’m glad to announce that finally Australasian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC) will be coming to Adelaide in late September this year; the exact dates are September 28 to October 1 2015. ASWEC will be coming to Adelaide after almost 18 years and we are really looking forward to…

  • Empirical research in software architecture

    Empirical research is quite difficult undertaking; doing empirical research becomes even more difficult when the studied objects are likely to be described at a higher level of abstract like software architecture. That is an obvious reasons that we don’t see much empirical research, even not very rigorous one, carried out to assess the effectiveness and…

  • Integration challenges in ISS and OSS

    Companies are showing great interest in adopting the processes, practices, and tools being used by Open Source Software (OSS); this phenomenon has come to known as Inner Source Software (ISS). While this phenomenon brings several known benefits of the OSS inside a corporate software development arena, unfortunately, the software developed using ISS also poses the…

  • Walt Scacchi will be relating OSS development and GSE

    Walt Scacchi from UCL Irvine will be one of the keynote speakers at the 6th International Software Engineering Conference. We were very glad to receive his positive response to our invitation for giving a keynote at the premier event of the global software engineering community. Now we are quite excited about what he is going…

  • An experience of migrating to clouds

    With the increasing popularity of Cloud computing, an increasing organizations are pondering about their strategy to migrate their existing software intensive systems to cloud-enabled infrastructure. One of the key questions of any migration strategy will be what kinds software engineering methods, guidelines, and tools are available to support the migration process. While an increasing number…