Category: Uncategorized
Architecting for Clouds-enabled Software Systems
Our research team at ITU ended the busy month of August with hosting a very interesting 2 days cloud compputing workshop, which was designed to initiate a collaborative network of researchers from Nordic region, China, Japan, and Brazil in order to draw synergies among their expertise and knowledge to investigate the challenges of developing and…
NxGT for GSD
Organizations are increasingly adopting geographically distributed development models, which are commonly known as Global Software Development or Global Software Engineering (GSE). There are many forms of GSD such as outsourcing, offshoring, nearshoring, software ecosystems, distributed development centres, and strategic alliances and partnerships for developing software at different places. GSD is not any more a phenomenon…
Cloud Computing Demystified
Like everywhere else in the World, Cloud computing is also gaining a lot of attention from IT researchers and practitioners in Denmark. I noticed this trend since my arrival in Copenhagen towards the end of 2009. Danish public and private sectors appear to be highly interested in gaining more understanding of the pros and cons…
Profes 2010 – Authors notified
It is a great sense of satisfaction that we were able to complete the review process for Profes 2010 in a record time despite we also had several email based discussions on conflicting reviews. Many of the reviewers actively were actively involved in the discussions and selection process. We are greatly thankful to the program committee for not only seeking…