For my software architecture course at ITU Copenhagen, I usually try to provide the students with as many opportunities of listening and following software architecture in practice as possible. This year’s offering of the course also involves a number of guest lectures to be given by people with significant amount of industrial experience of software architecture practice. The first lecture in this series was given by Jens Mikael Jensen from IBM Denmark. The title of the lecture was: Service Oriented Architecture 10 years after. And the abstract of the talk provided by Jens is below. The feedback that I have received so far is really great. I’m sharing the slides of Jens’ talk for the benefits of readers of this blog.
“Service Oriented Architecture is an Architectural style, and this lecture will be a point-of-view .How does the concepts and ideas around SOA adhere with todays dynamic reality like Cloud-computing as a delivery model, and the Software-defined Data-center as the operations model. How can SOA design style be adopted in such an environment. We start with defining some of the concepts and context for this lecture, and will trough examples illustrate, how SOA style have adopted to the evolving IT Technology and concepts. My lecture is build on the personal experience from customer engagement, as well as the ideas an discussion with colleagues and clients. The lecture is my own opinion and do not necessary reflect the opinion of IBM.“