I have been invited to give a talk at MESOCA 2013 (the 7th IEEE International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems, which will be collocated with the 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2013). I am very much looking forward to the symposium as I expect to meet and listen to several researchers and practitioners in the area of software maintenance and evolution. For my talk, I am going to share our experiences and observations about providing process support for migrating to cloud computing. This talk is based on our ongoing work in the area of process support for migrating to cloud computing to help companies ease the pain of migration. A couple of years ago we noticed that a large number of companies in public and private sectors had started exploring the possibilities of migrating to cloud computing. However, one of the most pressing challenges for them was a lack of guidance and support on different aspects of migration process. Despite increasingly experiences and knowledge about migration challenges and strategies, there is still not much support available for designing, implementing, and monitoring a well-defined process and appropriate practices. Over the last couple of years, we have been experimentally understanding the key technological, social, and organizational issues in evolving business critical software and services to cloud computing and devising and empirically assessing appropriate solutions. Based on a set of case studies in industrial and academic environments, we have accumulated an evidence-based set of process elements and practices that are expected to help companies to guide their cloud migration efforts. During this talk, I’ll be sharing the lessons and evidence from the case studies that we have studied. I will particularly highlight the areas where companies need to focus in order to gain and utilise appropriate process-centric guidance, associated tools, and education and training material.
Process Support for Migrating to Clouds
Cloud Computing, Evidence-Based Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Software Architecture, Software Engineering