Tales of Migrating to Clouds


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Yesterday, it was a great experience to be at MESOCA 2013 (the 7th IEEE International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems) in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. I was there to give an invited talk and join the organising committee of the next year’s symposium. My talk (Slides here) was aimed at sharing our findings coming out of our case studies of migrating to cloud computing. As I expected, I got to listen several interesting talks on topics related to the evolution of legacy systems to SOA or Clouds and SOA to Clouds. The title of my talk was Tales of Empirically Understanding and Providing Process Support for Migrating to Clouds.” Apart from my talk, there were a few more talks that were aimed at addressing process related issues and/or providing process or knowledge-based support.  From this event, I came back with more insights about the process-realted challenges and associated tools and different ways of addressing the process related challenges and issues. In that regards, I not only indicated the challenges that were faced while doing the migration but also shared some strategies that our studied industrial partners had developed and shared with us for wider dissemination. Next year symposium will be held in Victoria, Canada. Looking forward to attending that event.