ECSA2010 ended – great satisfaction!!!


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This has been a fantastic week for ECSA2010 organizing team as well as for me personally. Everyone took great satisfaction to see this relatively new conference raising the bar in terms of quality of the program, number of delegates, and fantastic keynote speakers. It was almost 15 months when it was decided that the fourth European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) will be organized in Copenhagen, Denmark as IT University of Copenhagen had generously offered to host it. After the decision, what followed, I would just describe it sheer hard work by many people belonging to the ITU’s research department, facility management at ITU, organizing committee, program committee, and community members. There were too many people involved to name them here but a browse through the ECSA2010 Wlcome Slides of the ECSA2010 can give some idea how much hard work by several people would have been done to turn ECSA into a full-fledge conference with several affiliated events such as workshops, tutorials, Doctoral Symposium, industrial track, BoF session, and industry focused seminar on Cloud Computing. I would just like to say thank to everyone involved in making ECSA2010 a really great event and delegates who came outnumbered the previous ECSA events in a big way. For further details about ECSA2010 and keynotes’ slides, visit ECSA website.