ECSA 2010 – Selection of research track papers completed

I am very delighted that the review process for the ECSA 2010 research track completed on time without any hiccup. There were more than 310 reviews to be carried out on 106 submissions. Each paper was reviewed by three reviewers except three papers. I am grateful to a lot of colleagues for their continuous support and advice; the program committee members not only provided timely reviews, most of the reviews were quite detailed, but also actively participated in the discussions on papers with conflicting reviews. Ian (GC) and Flavio (SC) were very generous and always available for extending help and advice on papers that needed difficult decisions. The authors were notified about the outcome of the reviews on their submissions on May 25, one day later than the initially advertised date, not too bad, given we extended the submission deadline by one week. However, the authors had been informed about the delay in the notification and I hope they did not find it too inconvenient.

For ECSA 2010, Only 19 full research papers have been accepted out of 75 full research papers submitted. That means the acceptance rate for the full research papers is around 25.3%.

Even out of the 19 accepted papers, 7 papers’ authors are expected to submit a response letter describing the changes made to address the reviewers’ comments or providing counter arguments against the reviews. That means these papers have been accepted conditionally.

The “Emerging research” papers received more tough reviews and only 2 papers got accepted out of 21 submissions in thier category, which means below 10% acceptance rate for this category. Based on the reviews and quality of the submissions, 19 full papers have been invited to be converted into “Emerging Research” papers.

For the “Research Challenges” (Poster) category, 5 ppaers got accepted out of 10 submissions in this category. Two full research papers and three”Emerging Research” papers have been accepted as “Research Challenges” or poster papers.

The chairs of the other tracks and worksohps organizers are working quite hard to select the papers for their respective tracks and workshops.

All this indicates that we are going to have a very high quality and interesting program for ECSA 2010. Looking forward to being part of a wonderful gathering of software architecture community and listening to insightful discussions in Copenhagen this August.