Building and Leveraging Design Spaces for Architecting Contemporary Software Systems

It was a great pleasure to visit the Secure Systems Group at the Aalto University of Finland. I was hosted by Professor N. Asokan, the leader of the group and a leading authority on different aspects of the security systems, and Dr Lachlan Gunn, a postdoctoral researcher who has a long association with me from the University of Adelaide. I have had the opportunity to meet and discuss common interests areas and activities with several researchers from the group and also attended two talks by the group members on their work. I also gave a rather informal talk to the group to brief them about different pieces of research being carried out by the members of the CREST group that I lead at the University of Adelaide. The title of this post is the title of my talk and below is the abstract of the talk. If you are interested in getting the slides used for this talk, please drop me a line.

One of our main research goals is to scientifically develop and apply design knowledge, so-called design space, that can be leveraged for directing research, building tools, and supporting software design decisions. To this end, we have been building and leveraging design spaces for architecting contemporary software systems. This talk will describe our efforts to build and use design spaces for the Internet of Things Search Engine (IoTSE) and Big Data Cybersecurity Analytics (BDCA). IoTSE denotes software systems that discover and resolve queries on content in the Internet of Things, such as sensor readings, actuating functionality and the digital representation of IoT-enabled objects. Our research on IoTSE focuses on developing an architecture that can model most classes of IoTSE and building the software infrastructure to support the engineering of IoTSE systems from prior components. BDCA leverages big data technologies for collecting, storing, and analyzing a large volume of security event data. Our research on BDCA investigates the use of architectural tactics for architecting a BDCA system to achieve the desired quality of service.  The talk also mentions some of the other areas of our research to support software systems engineering for supporting organizational security.