Category: Design patterns

  • Building and Leveraging Design Spaces for Architecting Contemporary Software Systems

    It was a great pleasure to visit the Secure Systems Group at the Aalto University of Finland. I was hosted by Professor N. Asokan, the leader of the group and a leading authority on different aspects of the security systems, and Dr Lachlan Gunn, a postdoctoral researcher who has a long association with me from…

  • Our New Work on Self-Adaptive Security for large-scale Open Environments

    We are continuously progressing on the plan for strengthening our capabilities in Cyber Security. To achieve this goal, we have been not only building internal capabilities but also forming and leveraging strategic collaborations. Out of one of our recent collaborations, with Giannis and Rami, in the areas of Cyber Security has resulted a high quality…

  • Security Support in Continuous Deployment Pipeline

    Continuous Software Engineering has gained significant attraction in the software development industry. One of the key areas of Continuous Software Engineering is Development and Operation (DevOps) – according to which development and operations teams are brought together for better coordination, collaboration, and communication. DevOps is characterised by Continuous Development, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment (CD).…

  • An Approach to Designing and Evaluating Web of Things (WoT) Systems

    Internet of Things (IoT) have emerged a popular technology that underpinning several innovative products and services. Internet of Everything (IoE) or Web of Things (WoT) are real or virtual networks of things (or services) that can be meaningfully quarried or combined in order to build and provide different types of services. Recently, we have a…

  • A Reference Architecture for provisioning of Tools as a Service

    We have been developing and maturing a state of the art infrastructure for providing tools as a service. Our work has resulted in a reference architecture provides meta-models, Ontologies, quality attributes, and implementation of an instantiated cloud-based infrastructure for providing tools as a service. Recently, we have published a compressive piece of work in a…

  • Systemization of Knowledge about Architecting Cloud-Based Systems

    We have been expanding our research on engineering systems with/for Cloud based infrastructures. One of the key challenges of engineering cloud-based systems is designing and evaluating appropriate architectures. Being a relatively new area, knowledge about designing and evaluating cloud-based systems is scarce and but growing. We observed the need of systematically identifying and synthesizing the…

  • Designing and Evolving Architectures for Big Data Applications

    Big Data applications are playing critical role for all sorts of organisations. Whilst data scientist is considered a critical role for big data applications, the role of software architect has become even more critical as appropriate design and careful implementation are the key to successful big data applications for supporting organisational decisions and business processes.…

  • Reference Architecture for Cloud-Based Tools as a Service Workspace Completed

    A few years ago we started an exciting and challenging project to design and implement a reference architecture for providing Tools as a Service (TaaS). That project was aimed at developing and evaluating an infrastructure that can host and provision tools for supporting engineering efforts in general and software engineering in particular. There is no…

  • Collaborative Project with NICTA on Architecting for DevOps Starts

    We have recently started a collaborative project with the Software Systems Research Group of National ICT Australia in Sydney. The project is aimed at understanding and addressing new challenges for designing architectures of complex systems that would be following the Continuous deployment (CD) and DevOps paradigm. CD and DevOps have emerged as an auspicious software…

  • D2D CRC Project on Reference Architecture for Defence Big Data Systems

    Big Data systems (i.e., data-intensive applications) have become one of the key priority areas for all sorts of organizations (i.e., private or public). Big Data is usually characterized by huge amount of diverse set of data that cannot be easily (or timely) processed using the conventional data processing approaches and technologies. For example, the data…