Category: Software Architecture
Building European Software Architecture Community: How Far Have We Come?
This is the title of an introduction of the guest editors to a special theme of an upcoming journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM). This special theme carries four papers which are an extended and revised versions of the papers published in 4th edition of European Conference of Software Architecture (ECSA 2010) which was…
Twin Peaks Model: Characterising Architecturally Significant Requirements
Architecture of a software intensive system plays a key role in determining the achievement of architecturally significant requirements (ASR) of that system. If ASRs are wrong, incomplete, inaccurate, or lack details, then a software architecture based on these is also likely to contain errors. However, it has been a general observation, in the literature and practice, that…
Cloud Infrastructure for Tools as a Service (TaaS)
It is becoming more and more clear that Cloud computing is poised to become mainstream mechanism of providing IT infrastructure despite all the reservations whatsoever. More and more communities are being formed to leverage cloud computing technologies. One of such communities is model driven engineering and cloud computing (CloudMDE), who recently organized a workshop in…
Contrasting Software Design with Engineering Design
Software design is attracting significant efforts as many researchers have been investigating different aspects of software design from knowledge- and human-intensive undertaking. We assert that software design discipline can benefit from leveraging the body of knowledge and the best practices developed in other design disciplines, e.g., engineering design. We believe that software engineering community needs…
WICSA/ECSA 2012 in Helsinki – 20-24 August, 2012.
After a successful gathering of Global Software Engineering Conference last year, another premier conference will be heading to Helsinki in the coming summer. And that will be a joint gathering of WICSA and ECSA communities under the name of WICSA/ECSA 2012 from 20 – 24 August. This event carries a huge significance as it would…
Architecting in Global Software Engineering
Architecting and architectures of software intensive systems are known to have significant role and impact on software development processes and practices, and on the quality of the developed system (i.e., software or services). Hence, it is important that there is alignment between architecting practices, architectural artefacts, and software development paradigms – Business, Architecture, Process, and…
Building a private cloud for an academic environment
While the perceived and real technical and soio-technical concerns about public cloud solutions may be discouraging many organizations from migrating and/or using public clouds, many organizations are resorting to solutions involving private and community clouds. The increasing trend of private clouds is also making inroads into academic circles where a large amount of data may…
Green Software Services
Given a significant amount of CO2 emission is caused by ICT, several efforts are geared towards making this sector more energy efficient – e.g., a huge amount of R&D resources are being allocated to make ICT systems and their use environmentally friendly, or so-called Green IT. Apart from a few exceptions, most of the resources…