Big Data Systems (BDS) (i.e., data-intensive applications) have become one of the key priority areas for all sorts of organizations. We have been conducting R&D on different aspects of Data intensive applications in general and on security oriented solutions in particular. A significant part of our research is aimed at inventing new and innovative techniques and technologies for supporting several functions of Big Data systems such as data capture and storage, data transmission, data curation, data analysis, and data visualization. Recently, I gave a talk on the topic of engineering data-driven secure software services during a two days symposium, Secure and Integrated Energy and Mining Systems (SIEMS), co-organized by the Institute of Mining and Energy Resources (IMER) and Global Mining Guidelines Group in Adelaide. My talk, slides available here, summarised our current R&D that is combining Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, and Software Systems for leveraging and/or protecting big data for digital solutions.
Engineering Data-Driven Secure Software Services
Cyber Security, Data Exfiltration, Innovation, Internet of Everything, Internet of Things (IoTs), Model Driven Engineering (MDE), Privacy, Security, Security Analytics, Security Orchestration, Smart Campus, Smart Cities, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Uncategorized