Whilst it has widely been recognised that agile and architecture-centric approaches need to be integrating for developing large scale software intensive systems, there has not been much work on providing a good source of guidance based on multiple perspectives for successfully integrate architecture-centric approaches in agile methods. A few years ago, a few colleagues and I started working on an edited book, which has just been completed/published after all the ups-and-downs that usually characterise these kinds of undertakings. I’m very glad to share that the book, Agile Software Architecture: Aligning Agile Processes and Software Architecture, is available for purchase. For interested readers, here is the Table of Content.
The key goal of this book is to provide practitioners and researchers interested in combining agile and architectural approaches with a comprehensive and reliable body of knowledge about the challenges involved in integrating architecture-centric approaches with agile approaches and the solutions to address those challenges. This book is expected to provide a read with detailed guidance on whether or not and how agile and architectural cultures can be made to co-exist depending upon the contextual factors. This book also provides useful leads for future research in both architecture and agile in order to bridge such gaps by developing appropriate approaches, strategies, and tools for supporting effective and efficient integration of agile and architecture-centric approaches.
This idea of this book was conceived incrementally as a result of our previous efforts aimed at highlighting the role and importance of treating software architecture as a first-class process and artefact in software development projects using agile approaches. Those efforts resulted in community building initiatives, special issue of IEEE Software, invited talks, and several publications.