It was a privilege to convince Dr. Dirk Muthig to visit ITU, Copenhagen and share his recent work at the Lufthansa Systems’ business unit “Airline Solutions. Dirk has been a thought leader and practical implementer in the area of software product lines for many years. It was the second time, he agreed to visit us and give a guest lecture in the software architecture course. He had given a lecture on software architecture in practice back in 2010 which was the first time I was teaching software architecture at ITU Copenhagen after my move to Denmark. The attendees of the lecture really appreciated the amount of knowledge and insights he offered. This time around he chose to speak about his recent work on architecting product lines for hybrid cloud infrastructure. It was very informative and thought provoking lecture whose title and abstract are below. Dirk has kindly shared the lecture slides for this blog.
Abstract: The talk starts with providing an overview on product line engineering and its impact on diverse disciplines and organizational issues. It then focuses on the design of architecture and especially product-line-specific aspects like flexibility or variability. The talk will discuss how product line engineering can be applied to information systems and discusses the role of service-orientation and cloud computing on defining, evolving and operating systems in modern environments.
Dirk Muthig is Head of “Production and Systems Design” directly related to the Netline and Profitline product lines of Lufthansa Systems’ business unit “Airline Solutions”. He practically applies there also what he had developed before as responsible for “product line engineering” and “architectures” at the Fraunhofer Institute for Experiemental Software Engineering (IESE). He was program chair of SPLC 2007, general chair of SPLC 2009, and is the chair of the product line hall of fame since 2010. Dirk has also taught several tutorials at SPLCs, as well as classes on product lines and architectures at the University of Kaiserslautern for many years. Currently, he is work package and task leader in the EU Project “PaaSage” where he tries to contribute to shaping a platform for evolving and operating (product lines) in or for the cloud.