Category: Knowledge Sharing
Building and Leveraging Design Spaces for Architecting Contemporary Software Systems
It was a great pleasure to visit the Secure Systems Group at the Aalto University of Finland. I was hosted by Professor N. Asokan, the leader of the group and a leading authority on different aspects of the security systems, and Dr Lachlan Gunn, a postdoctoral researcher who has a long association with me from…
Data Exfiltration: External Attack Vectors and Countermeasures
With regards to our work on Cyber Security, we have recently successfully completed a collaborative piece fo work with researchers from Security Lancaster, University of Lancaster, UK. Our collaborative work was focused on identifying and understanding Data Exfiltration: External Vectors and Countermeasures and has been accepted in Journal of Network and Computer Applications with the following…
A Knowledge Base for Microgrid Security Risk Analysis
Through a team of students from the Masters of Software Engineering ME (Software), we started the design and implementation of the first phase of our solution aimed at providing a knowledge-based support for Microgrid security risk analysis. The project was motivated by an increasing realisation that a large number of energy systems are made of…
The Role of Site Visits in Software Engineering Teams
A large number of Software Engineering teams are virtual, which are characterised by various types of distances such geographical, culture, temporal, and knowledge. Such distances can cause a number of small and big challenges that lead sub-optimal development teams or event project failures. Software engineering researchers and practitioners have been researching and debating the cost…
Knowledge Sharing in Globally Distributed Teams
Globally distributed software engineering has become a norm of getting software developed. Whilst there are several potential benefits of getting software teams working around the clock while being located around the World – so-called follow the sun strategy -, there are several challenges in making such teams successfully work together. Communication, coordination, and collaboration are…
Designing and Evolving Architectures for Big Data Applications
Big Data applications are playing critical role for all sorts of organisations. Whilst data scientist is considered a critical role for big data applications, the role of software architect has become even more critical as appropriate design and careful implementation are the key to successful big data applications for supporting organisational decisions and business processes.…
Keynote Talk on Knowledge Sharing & Global Software Development
Knowledge sharing is critical for successful software development projects – Software Engineering community has been investing huge amount of efforts in supporting and promoting knowledge sharing over the last many years with mixed outcomes. Knowledge sharing for gaining common understanding is considered a central concern when software development work crosses geographical, cultural, or organizational boundaries. One…