Category: Software Architecture

  • Co-Existence of Agile and Architecture

    Agile approaches have gained popularity as a mechanism for reducing cost and increasing ability to handle change in dynamic market conditions. However, there is a significant concern about the role and importance of the issues related to the software architecture of a system being developed using agile approaches. There seems to be quite a lot…

  • Cloud Computing Demystified Day

    There wouldn’t have been a better way to end the ECSA2010 week than having a wonderful gathering of Danish industry with five international speakers discussing the potential opportunities, challenges, and proposed solutions for exploiting Cloud Computing paradigm. The Cloud Computing Demystified day was organized on August 27, 2010 at IT University of Copenhagen with around…

  • ECSA2010 ended – great satisfaction!!!

    This has been a fantastic week for ECSA2010 organizing team as well as for me personally. Everyone took great satisfaction to see this relatively new conference raising the bar in terms of quality of the program, number of delegates, and fantastic keynote speakers. It was almost 15 months when it was decided that the fourth…

  • Evaluating Architectures in GSD Projects

    The popularity of global software development is expected to continue growing for many reasons for example reducing cost, improving quality, shortage of skilled people, and improving time-to-market. Software development companies are discovering new ways of leveraging software development resources that are geographically dispersed. Hence, there is an increasing need to identify and understand mechanisms for…

  • NxGT for GSD

    Organizations are increasingly adopting geographically distributed development models, which are commonly known as Global Software Development or Global Software Engineering (GSE). There are many forms of GSD such as outsourcing, offshoring, nearshoring, software ecosystems, distributed development centres, and strategic alliances and partnerships for developing software at different places. GSD is not any more a phenomenon…

  • ECSA 2010 program almost final!!!

    We have been making pretty smooth progress on finalizing the program for ECSA 2010, which is one of the premier forum of software architecture community around the World in general and in Europe in particular. Like previous gatherings of ECSA, we expect ECSA 2010 will attract a large number of researchers and practitioners to present…

  • GIRI Day

    This post is about a very interesting and interactive day organized to mark the one year celebration of GIRI, that is why called GIRI day :-). Along with other colleagues, I also gave a talk about our research and activities that fall within the scope of GIRI, which is also funding one of my PhD…

  • ECSA 2010 – Selection of research track papers completed

    I am very delighted that the review process for the ECSA 2010 research track completed on time without any hiccup. There were more than 310 reviews to be carried out on 106 submissions. Each paper was reviewed by three reviewers except three papers. I am grateful to a lot of colleagues for their continuous support and advice;…

  • Agility and Architecture – Why and How to combine them?

    Whether we like it or not, it is a fact that Agile approaches have had significant impact on industrial software development practices. Many companies which I have come to know through my collaborative and consultancy contacts, especially in Scandinavian region, have adopted and/or are planning to adopt agile approaches. Despite becoming widely popular, there remains…