Category: Software Engineering

  • GSE: Identifying Challenges is Important and Providing Solutions is Even Better

    Eventually we have managed to finalised the special section of the best papers published in the International Conference on Global Software Engineering, 2011 (ICGSE 2011) that was organised in Helsinki, Finland. The special section will be published in the January 2014 edition of the Information and Software Technology Journal. Christian and I decided to write…

  • Architecting Product Lines for Cloud Infrastructure!

    It was a privilege to convince Dr. Dirk Muthig to visit ITU, Copenhagen and share his recent work at the Lufthansa Systems’ business unit “Airline Solutions. Dirk has been a thought leader and practical implementer in the area of software product lines for many years. It was the second time, he agreed to visit us…

  • Process Support for Migrating to Clouds

    I have been invited to give a talk at MESOCA 2013 (the 7th IEEE International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems, which will be collocated with the 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2013). I am very much looking forward to the symposium as I expect to meet and listen…

  • Extended Team Model in GSD and Structures

    We have been researching the theoretical concepts and practical implementation of Extended Team Model in Global Software Development (GSD) arrangements. This research has been motivated by the increasing popularity of developing software involving cross-organizational teams that are characterised by all sorts of distances (e.g., geographical, cultural, temporal, and knowledge). While there is plenty of literature…

  • Initial Evaluation of ABC4GSD

    As I have shared on these pages that we are trying to build an infrastructure based on the principles of Activity Based Computing (ABC), a paradigm that is being increasingly explored for designing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and software application inspired by Activity Theory (AT). This work  has resulted in an infrastructure, called ABC4GSD, for…

  • Contextual Customisation of Agile Methods for GSD

    Popularity of Agile methods and wide spread adoption of different forms of Global Software Development (GSD) have been encouraging several efforts aimed at exploring the potential advantages and disadvantages of applying Agile methods in GSD arrangements. Several research and industrial efforts and their outcomes aimed at combining Agile and GSD have been published in scientific…

  • Summer School on Software Engineering in Salerno, Italy

    I have just arrived in Italy to give a tutorial at the 10th anniversary of the International Summer School on Software Engineering that is being organised at the University of Salerno, Italy. The summer school was founded back in 2003 with the aim of providing Ph.D. students and academic and industrial researchers with the latest…

  • Social Structures in Extended Team Model

    Extended Team Model (ETM) is an emerging mode of arrangement for Global Software Development (GSD). As described in one of my previous post, ETM is a customized offshore outsourcing model aimed at building an extended arm of a client by having access to software development resources of a vendor, usually located offshore, by forming a partnership.…

  • Sharing Experiences from Human-Centric Software Engineering Research

    My current visit of down under (Australia) provided me with several opportunities to visit several colleagues, albeit for short catch meetings, and share our current research directions and  outcomes. My discussions and invited talks mainly focused on our experiences of devising and executing an ambitious agenda of taking an interdisciplinary approach to combining our historical…

  • Brief on Software Engineering Research for Sustainable Systems

    Recently I gave a presentation on our research and development activities for supporting the sustainability aspects in engineering software intensive systems while leveraging cloud computing and global software engineering. Three key focus of our research are architectural solutions that promote sustainability aspects for cloud-based solutions, processes and practices for sustainable utilization of resources in global…