Category: Software Architecture

  • PTaaS: Platform for Providing Tools as a Service

    One of our key research threads is focused on developing a platform for providing software engineering tools as service fro supporting Globally Distributed Software Development Teams. This work as been motivated by the increasing popularity of exploiting Cloud computing for enabling organizations to build scalable software systems and to meet challenges of rapid demand of…

  • Continuous Refactoring and Satisfactory Architecture

    The tension between the followers of Agile and Architecture-centric approaches appears to be easing to some extent; perhaps, both sides have realised that there are potentially several benefits of taking a middle road – Integrating Agile and Architectural approaches and practices wherever it makes sense. One of the key sticking points in the debate is…

  • A Practice Oriented Guide on Agile Architecting!

    Whilst it has widely been recognised that agile and architecture-centric approaches need to be integrating for developing large scale software intensive systems, there has not been much work on providing a good source of guidance based on multiple perspectives for successfully integrate architecture-centric approaches in agile methods. A few years ago, a few colleagues and…

  • Architecting Product Lines for Cloud Infrastructure!

    It was a privilege to convince Dr. Dirk Muthig to visit ITU, Copenhagen and share his recent work at the Lufthansa Systems’ business unit “Airline Solutions. Dirk has been a thought leader and practical implementer in the area of software product lines for many years. It was the second time, he agreed to visit us…

  • Ulrik Eklund will speak on the “Role of Architect”

    I’m very pleased to say that long time architect turned academic Dr. Ulrik Eklund will be speaking on the “Role of Architect” as a guest lecture in my course on software architecture on the evening of October 21, 2013 at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Ulrik worked for Volvo Car Corporation for long time…

  • Hosting a Guest Lecture on SOA

    For my software architecture course at ITU Copenhagen, I usually try to provide the students with as many opportunities of listening and following software architecture in practice as possible. This year’s offering of the course also involves a number of guest lectures to be given by people with significant amount of industrial experience of software…

  • Tales of Migrating to Clouds

    Yesterday, it was a great experience to be at MESOCA 2013 (the 7th IEEE International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems) in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. I was there to give an invited talk and join the organising committee of the next year’s symposium. My talk (Slides here) was aimed at sharing our findings coming…

  • The Key Objectives and Attractions of NordiCloud 2013

    Given the increasing relevance and popularity of cloud computing and lack of region specific community platforms for sharing ideas and knowledge, we founded a community platform for Nordic and Baltic countries to support collaboration in order to gain understanding of and solutions to socio-technical challenges of different aspects of cloud computing. That community platform was…

  • Process Support for Migrating to Clouds

    I have been invited to give a talk at MESOCA 2013 (the 7th IEEE International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems, which will be collocated with the 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2013). I am very much looking forward to the symposium as I expect to meet and listen…

  • Perspectives and Reflections on NordiCloud 2012

    Its really great that the second gathering of the NordiCloud symposium will be held in Oslo Norway at the beginning of September (2-3 September, 2013). This platform for knowledge generating and sharing was founded last year with the  key aim of promoting and supporting Cloud computing and Internet Technologies research and practice in Nordic and…